Golden ratio in the solar system
The orbital periods, distances, and velocities of all planets in the solar system are directly related by the Golden Ratio.
The golden ratio or phi is a ratio that appears throughout the living world, as well as ancient architecture and art. It is 1.6180339887 to the first 10 decimals. A planet's Sidereal year is the time it takes for that planet to revolve around the sun so as to line up with the background stars. It is the only type of planetary year we are able to measure at this point; An interplanetary synodic is the time it takes for one planet to "lap" another in their revolutions around the earth.
Sidereal years
The sidereal years and synodics of all planets until Uranus are related by the Golden ratio to a statistical significance of over 99%.
Mercury's sidereal year is 88 days. The Mercury-Venus synodic is 144.5255474 days. 88x1.61803 = 142.387, which is within 2 percent of the Mercury-Venus synodic.
The Mercury-Venus synodic is 144.5255474 days. Venus's sidereal year is 225 days. 144.5255x1.61803 = 233.84, which is within 4% of Venus's sidereal year
Venus's sidereal year is 225 days. Earth's sidereal orbit is 365.24 days. 225x1.61803 = 364.05, which is within .3% of Earth's sidereal orbit;
Earth's sidereal orbit is 365.24 days. Mars's sidereal orbit is 686.9601. 365.24x1.61803=590.969, which is within 13% of Mars's sidereal orbit.
Mars's sidereal orbit is 686.9601 days. The Mars-Ceres synodic is 1161.588 days. 365.24x1.618=1111.4, within 4% of the Mars-Ceres synodic.
The Mars-Ceres synodic is 1161.588 days. The orbit of Ceres is 1681.24 days. 1161.588x1.618=1879.4, within 10% of the orbit of Ceres.
Ceres's orbit is 1681.24 days. Jupiter's orbit is 2746.223 days. 1681.24 daysx1.618 = 2720, within 1% of the orbit of Jupiter.
Jupiter's orbit is 2746.223 days. The Jupiter-Saturn synodic is 3687.59 days. 2746.223x1.618= 4443, within 17% of the Jupiter-Saturn synodic.
The Jupiter-Saturn synodic is 7261.85 days. The orbit of Saturn is 10757.73 days. 7261.85*1.6180339887=11,748, within 8% of the orbit of Saturn.
The orbit of Saturn is 10,757.73 days. The Saturn-Uranus synodic is 16,558.56 days. 10,757.73x1.61803=17,406.3, within 5% of the Saturn-Uranus synodic.
The Saturn-Uranus synodic is 16,558.56 days. The orbit of Uranus is 30,708.16 days. 16,58.56x1.61803 = 26792, within 12% of the orbit of Uranus.
Regression and deviations
When the series is considered as a whole, the planets and synodics deviate from the phi series by less than 1/1000 of one percent. Yet why are there deviations at all?
Orbital variation over time; Equinox precession: If the sun is moving as argued by the binar theory, then the tropical year, rather than the sidereal year is the true year. The tropical year, while close to the sidereal year, differs somewhat. Imprecision in measurements; Also, Neptune does not fit into the pattern. Why?
Perhaps a more complex pattern exists that incorporates those two; Perhaps Neptune was not included in the pattern. Perhaps some cataclysmic events knocked Neptune out of its proper orbit. [edit] Implications The correlation with the golden ratio is obvious. The only remaining issue is, is this a function of chance and natural law, or of engineering?
No naturalistic explanation has been proposed to explain the above facts. Creationists, on the other hand, point out that in order for this to take place, all of the planets had to be a particular mass in order to move at a particular period at a particular distance. If any of them had been smaller than they are, the pattern would not exist. If any of them had been bigger than they are, the pattern would not exist. Thus there is evidence that the size of the planets was deliberately chosen to make the planets move in a particular and aesthetic harmony. To creationists, it is no surprise to find harmony engineered into the planets by the Great Engineer.