Homework Five Answers - Student Sixteen

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1. The most important outcome of the Mexican war was the large amounts of land. The second most important thing was the practice it gave the generals and the increase in defense spending.


2. The Whig party was formed to oppose Andrew Jackson. It was not able to stake out a firm position on the slavery issue therefore losing support from both sides.

Superb again. Concise and yet also complete.

3. Lincoln lost the Senate election in 1858 because Lincoln was not really in a party and the Senators were elected by the state legislator, which was democratic. He won the 1860 presidential election because the Democratic Party split giving him the majority.

Terrific, and this could become a model answer.

4. The reason no one could get reelected is because the issues were too divisive, if you stood on one side of the issue the other side would hate you and your own party would want someone different.

Right, and you might add that your own party would want someone less controversial to the other side.

7. The phrase came from the battle at the Alamo. It also was a rally cry for the Texas revolutionaries.

Could explain in further detail, as your answer is little more than a restatement of the question. (Minus 1).

8. The only possible way to avoid the Civil War was to let the South secede, which they had the right to. The main reason there were no negotiations was the South’s desire to show the Union its power by taking several forts by force causing Lincoln to declare war.

Incomplete, I think. Lincoln was not much of a negotiator; he was a litigator before he became president. Also, didn't Lincoln compel South Carolina to take Fort Sumter? (Minus 1)

H2. They didn’t have a lot in common for instance the Hamilton v. Burr was more of a personal hatred them a political rivalry. Jefferson v. Adams and Lincoln v. Douglas were true political Rivalries from which America benefited from. In the Lincoln v. Douglas rivalry it ended as soon as Lincoln was elected President in which Douglas nearly became a second vice president, even helping support the war effort.

Interesting analysis. Well done.

H3. The South could not of won the Civil War for three reasons: lack of manufacturing, poor leadership, and no international help. With no manufacturing capability the Confederacy couldn’t build a navy nor equip their forts with proper artillery. It also meant that they struggled to improve and repair the rail lines decreasing their ability to supply their armies. Having only two good generals (of which one died in 1863) and few good officers cost them the entire west and many battles in the east. The Confederacy had counted on the British or French joining the war. In order to make that happen the Confederacy stopped exporting cotton. However Egypt also supplied cotton making the Confederacies choice ineffective and British and French were more reliant on the Unions corn then the Confederacies cotton. Without any help, under blockade, and losing battles left and right the Confederacy didn’t have the manpower needed to fight let alone win a war.

Excellent analysis, could become a model answer.

H4. In order for a slogan to work it has to be short, catchy, and somewhat true. It also need to be directed at someone how wasn’t particularly good at his job or made an obvious error.



Grade: 88/90, including some of the best answers in the class. Excellent work!--Andy Schlafly 18:30, 13 March 2011 (EDT)