Samaritan's Purse

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Samaritan's Purse (SP) is an international Christian relief organization, headquartered in Boone, North Carolina. The name comes from the Parable of the Good Samaritan, who helps a man after he was attacked by robbers (the "purse" being the Samaritan paying for the man's lodging and care).

SP was founded in 1970 by Bob Pierce. Three years later Franklin Graham (son of Billy Graham) would join the organization. Pierce would die in 1978 and a year later Franklin would become its head. As Franklin is also the head of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA), the two organizations often share resources and work together on projects (commonly, in responding to a disaster, SP will provide disaster relief while BGEA will provide chaplains to provide counseling to affected individuals).

SP provides aid and assistance in the following categories: Emergency Relief, Community Development, Medical, Children's Ministry, and Christian Education. It seeks to share the Gospel where possible. Based on its 2020 financial report (the most recent available) SP received almost $900M in donations and other income (split roughly 50-50 between unrestricted and restricted gifts), incurred around $676M in expenses (of which $100M was for fund-raising and general and administrative expenses) and ended the year with over $923M in net assets.

SP is known for Operation Christmas Child, which collects shoeboxes with toys and other necessities to give to children around the globe. Along with the millions it has served, and the thousands of children and families who have trusted in Jesus Christ, several children have been adopted and in one remarkable story, a shoebox given by a boy would end up in the hands of a young Filipino girl who would later search for him, and become his wife.[1]


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Samaritan's Purse