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Transmigration of Words in Religion: an essay

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Nowadays, the main Christian church is a cathedral, meaning "chair" or "seat" in Greek (kathedros), as in Washington (situated on the river called "river" - Potomic) is the seat of government for the U.S. but was originally brought into the church, from Judaism, and so the "seat of Moses" in the synagogue of Chorazim on the north shore of Galilee, and Jesus telling people to beware of the Pharisees, do as they say but not as they do, for they sit in the "seat of Moses", (Mt. 23:2) and why Jesus ''sat down'' on the Mount of Beatitudes before he gave His astounding and wonderful sermon equaling and yes, surpassing Moses, who had gone up a previous mountain, that of Sinai, and brought down also a law which was now being surpassed, and why bishops are usually pictured, also Aramaic bishops, as sitting with their flock around them, not because they were old, but because of the authority of the Word of God. Aside from the Cathedral, the bishop's seat, his church, there is now the basilica, the next important church of the diocese, but no secular ruler sits there.
==See Also==
* [[Essay:Best New Conservative Words]]
* [[Downgraded Conservative Terms]]
* [[Language]]: [[Etymology]], [[Vocabulary]]