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Highly composite number

377 bytes added, 07:46, January 15, 2017
added the second paragraph, and edited the third
On the opposite extreme from a [[prime]] number is a '''highly composite number'''. A prime has the least quantity of factors Along with a [[composite number]], namely a highly composite number is one of twotypes of number that is the opposite of a prime number. A composite number is the ''general'' opposite to a prime. A highly composite number (HCN) is one which has the special opposite of a greater prime. The set of HCNs is a subset of composite number , specifically by being made of the type of composite number that has more factors than any smaller numberboth lesser than itself and lesser than its higher HCN neighbor. In other words A prime has the least quantity of factors, a namely two. A highly composite number is a number that '''''initiates''''' an ''increase'' in quantity of factors over that of any lesser number.
For example, 120 has more factors than any smaller number, and also has more factors than numbers lesser than 180. 180, in turn, has an additional two more factors than 120. And 180 has more factors than numbers less than 240. And 240 has more factors than numbers lesser than 360.
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