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44 bytes added, 23:59, September 5, 2017
/* Free Will */
==Free Will==
Many [[liberal]] scientists believe that modern [[neuroscience]] is a subversion of [[free will]], and that the brain is all there is to [[personality]]. This is to the direct exclusion of the [[soul]] and [[God]]'s will. For instance, if someone was to commit a crime, that person could be exonerated on the basis of his neurological abnormalities, which are not his fault. [[Descartes]] attempted to avoid this issue by placing the soul at the helm of the individual, stating that it was our spirits that truly drive us. The soul attached to the brain via the [[pineal gland]], communicating with the corporeal matter by squeezing the central gland, and pumping cerebrospinal fluid through the body. However, his [[atheism]] left no place for communion of the soul with God, and Descartes was also mistaken in the belief that only humans have pineal glands. Many conservative scientists are now taking into account the soul, when they factor in free will, which allows for much more variation among individuals.
== See also ==
*[[Atheism and the brain]]