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linked [[allusion]]
Upon the death of Alexander in 332 B.C., one of his generals, named Ptolemy Lagus, took over Egypt as King [[Ptolemy I Soter]] (literally, "Ptolemy the Savior"). This king built, among other things, the [[Great Library of Alexandria]], which he intended to be a major research center throughout the [[Mediterranean]] region.
He continued the generally tolerant policy toward the [[Judaism|Jews]] that Alexander had observed since the priests at [[Jerusalem]] had surrendered to him. His successor [[Ptolemy II Philadelphus]] (r. 285-246 BC) continued that policy. In his effort to make the Great Library the best center of learning in the known world, Ptolemy Philadelphus sought to translate the Old Testament from [[Hebrew]] into Greek.<ref>[ Ptolemy II] at</ref> Sadly, his staff found Hebrew to be a difficult language to understand, and were not sure of the meanings of several turns of phrase found in the Hebrew text. <ref>See [ Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) 1:1, Douay-Rheims 1899 American edition DRA (]. The book of Sirach was originally written in Hebrew, not Greek. See [[Apocrypha]].</ref> So Ptolemy appointed a team of seventy scholars, each fluent in Hebrew and in Greek, and assigned to them the task of translating the Hebrew text.<ref>[[Will Durant|Durant, Will]], ''The Story of Civilization, Volume 2: The Life of Greece''. ISBN 1567310133</ref> Supposedly all of the translators worked independently and arrived at the same exact translation, thus demonstrating that the translated text was as divinely inspired as the original.
The result is a work produced largely by scholarly consensus and was the primary translation in Palestine at the time of Jesus. The [[Gospels]], [[Paul]], [[Epistle of James|James]], [[Peter]], [[Jude]], and the author of the [[Epistle to the Hebrews]] quoted from the Septuagint often in their respective writings.
== Objections to the Septuagint ==
Any translation is automatically suspect, if only because of differences in grammar and idiom between the source and target languages. <ref>See [ Sirach 1:1 Douay-Rheims 1899 American edition (DRA) (] ''Ben-Sira's introduction to the Book of Ecclesiasticus'':"...for the Hebrew words have not the same force in them when translated into another tongue. And not only these, but the law also itself, and the prophets, and the rest of the books, have no small difference, when they are spoken in their own language."</ref> Also, later Jews were suspect suspicious of anything that had a non-Jewish influence, and so kept most of the original Hebrew texts<ref>All of the Old Testament books rejected as [[apocrypha]] from the 2nd century onward by rabbinical authority have been found to have originally been Hebrew texts, with the sole exception of the [[Book of Wisdom|Wisdom of Solomon]]. See [[Council of Jamnia]]. Discoveries of Hebrew and Aramaic manuscripts of [[Book of Tobit|Tobit]], [[Book of Sirach|ben Sira (Sirach, or Ecclesiasticus)]], [[Epistle of Jeremiah]] in the caves at [[Qumran]] near the [[Dead Sea]], the "[[Dead Sea Scrolls]]", demonstrate that a Hebrew or Aramaic origin of a text included in the Greek translation of the Jewish scriptures in the Septuagint accepted by Christians was not the sole criterion for inclusion or exclusion in the Hebrew canon, but included consideration of (rejected) evidence of content which supported Christian doctrine. Linguistic evidence shows that other Septuagint books which were excluded by rabbinical authority after A.D. 90 certainly had an original Hebrew or Aramaic text. See*[ Jewish Virtual Library. Jewish Holy Scriptures: The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, by Michael E. Stone]*[ BACKGROUND AND HISTORY TO THE APOCRYPHA, By David Phillips] Article reprinted from Cross†Way Issue Autumn 2006 No. 102 (*[ The Origin of the Apocrypha]*[ The Apocrypha of the Old Testament: With Historical Introductions, a Revised Translation, and Notes Critical and Explanatory, by Edwin Cone Bissell. Scribner, 1890. 680 pages], page 208ff, citing evidence that the "additions to Esther" were also translated from the Hebrew. (Google eBook)</ref> The [[Masoretic Text]] is the traditional Hebrew (and in some books, Aramaic), and is the text that is used today both for those who read Hebrew, and for translating to other languages.
Saint Jerome used the Septuagint as the basis of the Gallican Psalter and the book of Job of the [[Latin Vulgate|Vulgate]]. After more than a decade he decided the Septuagint was too fraught with mistranslations to be acceptable. At the beginning of AD the fifth century Jerome used only copies of biblical books in Hebrew and in some places Aramaic.<ref>[ The Development of the Canon of the New Testament: Vulgate]</ref>It is important to note that Jerome did not exclude from the whole of the Christian Bible the books designated as [[Apocrypha]] by the second century Palestinian Jewish rabbinical authorities and afterward by the leaders of the Protestant Reformation, but he included them among the books of the Old Testament. [[Martin Luther]] was first to separate and segregate the [[deuterocanonicals]] in a separate section apart from the Old Testament which he designated "The Apocrypha".
[[James Ussher]], who made himself an expert on [[Semitic]] languages, concluded that the Septuagint contained errors of translation, and even errors of fact, that he considered critical and fatal to his purpose of determining a unified chronology of the world. For that reason, he rejected the Septuagint in favor of the Masoretic Text.
In 1947, ancient copies of Hebrew texts in scroll form turned up at [[Qumran]]. These "[[Dead Sea Scrolls]]" were written over various times, but dated back to the time of Jesus and before. This was a monumental find as it pushed back the time of the earliest known Hebrew text by almost 1000 years and was still a few hundred years earlier than the earliest surviving Greek text. The scrolls vindicate the accuracy of both the Septuagint and the Masoretic text which were surprisingly accurate for the large amount of time that had passed. '''In those cases where there were differences, the Septuagint was more accurate overall.''' Septuagint and Dead Sea Scroll manuscripts together vindicate the prophecies of [[Jesus Christ]], because they render any conspiracy to write "prophecies after the fact" temporally impossible.
== Table of LXX quotes and allusions [[allusion]]s in the New Testament ==Compare the KJV Old Testament texts with the [ Greek and English Septuagint text at]
{| class="wikitable" style="align:center;"
:[ Revelation 19:1]
:[ Revelation 19:16]
:[ Revelation 19:16] :[ Revelation 21:18-21] :[ Revelation 21:924-26]
:[ Wisdom 11:17-19] <ref>An [[allusion ]] to King Herod who "did not lack the means to send upon them" merciless soldiers "full of rage" to "exterminate men" like the vicious beasts mentioned in the parallel language of this passage in Wisdom 11:17-19</ref>
:[ Sirach 29:11]
:[ Baruch 3:29] <ref>References to Wisdom as a living being in the Old Testament have been interpreted as referring to the Word of God made flesh, Jesus Christ himself:
:[ Proverbs&nbsp;8]; [ Wisdom&nbsp;7:22&nbsp;–&nbsp;8:1]; [ Matthew&nbsp;11:19]; [ Luke&nbsp;7:35]; [ John&nbsp;1:1]; [ 1&nbsp;Corinthians&nbsp;1:24] and&nbsp;[ 30]; [ Hebrews&nbsp;1:3-4]; [ James&nbsp;3:17].</ref> <ref name=Sir24>Jesus, the Word and Wisdom of God, gives himself, his flesh and blood, as food and drink, that all who come to him may share in (partake of) the divine nature::[ Matthew 5:6]; [ John 7:37]; [ 21:15-17]; [ Acts 20:28]; [ Hebrews 6:5]; [ 1&nbsp;Peter 2:2]; [ 5:2]; [ 2&nbsp;Peter 1:4 "partakers of the divine nature"]. See [ multiple versions of 2&nbsp;Peter 1:4] </ref>
:[ Wisdom 8:8]
:[ 1 Maccabees 13:8-9]
:[ Wisdom 8:8] <ref>An [[allusion ]] to "signs and wonders" worked by the Wisdom of God, in the Book of Acts by Jesus through the hands of the Apostles, "made unto us wisdom". See [ 1 Corinthians 1:30].</ref>
:[ Sirach 35:12]
:[ Wisdom 16:9]
:[ 2 Maccabees 2:7] <ref>See context [ 2 Maccabees 2:4-8]. Those who believe both the Second Book of Maccabees and the Book of Revelation are true according to the ''[[literal sense of scripture]]'' are convinced that the [[Ark of the Covenant]] is not on earth but was physically taken to heaven after Jeremiah hid it in a cave, and that to John on the island of Patmos it was revealed again and was seen by him to be in heaven, because God had fulfilled the prophesy uttered by Jeremiah, having begun the gathering of his redeemed people together again and revealed his mercy to sinners in his Son the Lord Jesus Christ.</ref>
:[ 2 Maccabees 13:4]
:[ 2 Maccabees 13:4]
:[ 2 Maccabees 7:9] :[ Tobit 13:16-17] :[ Tobit 13:11]
* [ Quotations in the New Testament (] ''detailed scholarly article''
* [ Septuagint Fraud. LXX Hoax EXPOSED! (]
* [ The Truth about the Septuagint. Dr. Sam Gipp (] "''quotations from the LXX were falsely inserted into the Gospels and the New Testament in place of the true Hebrew texts, corrupting the Bible''".
* [ Roman Catholic and Orthodox Faith Examined, and The Apocrypha: "Reasons why the Apocrypha does NOT belong in the Bible!"] (
* [ CARM Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry: Reasons why the Apocrypha does not belong in the Bible, by Ryan Turner] (
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