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114 bytes added, 23:56, January 23, 2008
add Christian denominations who reject pork consumption
'''Pork''' is the name given to meat from a [[pig]] and is a commonly eaten [[meat]] throughout the world. It is sometimes known as the ''other white meat'', the main white meat being [[poultry]]. Pork is eaten both as a cooked fresh meat (e.g. pork chops) or as a cured meat. Cured or processed meat products include ham, salami, gammon and bacon. The pig may be used in many different ways for fresh meat cuts, with the popularity of certain cuts depending on local preference. Most of the animal (colloquially "everything but the squeal") can be used to produce fresh meat. In the case of a suckling pig (piglet) the whole body can be spit roasted or oven roasted.
In [[Judaism]] and [[Islam]], pork is considered an unclean meat and is not eaten. This is also true of some Christian denominations such as the Seventh-Day Adventists and Church of God (7th-Day).
==Nutritional information==