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Talk:Letter to PNAS

1 byte removed, 13:03, July 30, 2008
::::He's only asking if you're affiliated with you mother's organization. It's a fair question, it seems to me, and not a very far leap of logic. [[User:Corry|Corry]] 23:57, 29 July 2008 (EDT)
:::::Corry is correct- it was ''just a question''. And there are five problems with Aschlafly's response, all baseless claims of his own: 1) Where is the conspiracy theory he refers to (affiliation and conspiracy are not synonymous)? 2) Where is the denial of his correction that he is not affiliated with [won't mention the name since three out of three times it has been even mentioned, there have been very hostile responses]? There- I acknowledge that there is no affiliation with said other organization. 3) How did the original affiliations comment or my posts indicate political leanings (I in fact do not fit Aschlafly's description of liberals)? 4)What exactly was the error? "As far as I understand it" followed by "please correct me if I'm wrong" are not hallmarks of "baseless claims". The post simply demonstrated and incorrect understanding and a desire to assess it's its accuracy, a very rational approach. 5) What do any of Aschlafly's disagreements with Wikipedia have to do with being ''asked'' about affiliations on this site?[[User:Kallium|Kallium]] 09:01, 30 July 2008 (EDT)