United States Secretary of the Treasury
The United States Secretary of the Treasury is the head of the Department of the Treasury. The current Secretary of the Treasury is Janet Yellen.
The Secretary of the Treasury is a member of the President's United States Cabinet. Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary, selected by President George Washington in 1789.
The Secretary of the Treasury is the principal economic advisor to the President and plays a critical role in policy-making by bringing an economic and government financial policy perspective to issues facing the government. The Secretary is responsible for formulating and recommending domestic and international financial, economic, and tax policy, participating in the formulation of broad fiscal policies that have general significance for the economy, and managing the public debt. The Secretary oversees the activities of the Department in carrying out its major law enforcement responsibilities; in serving as the financial agent for the United States Government; and in manufacturing coins and currency.
The Chief Financial Officer of the government, the Secretary serves as Chairman Pro Tempore of the President's Economic Policy Council, Chairman of the Boards and Managing Trustee of the Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds, and as U.S. Governor of the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.[1]
In order for Federal Reserve notes (e.g. paper money) to become legal tender they must be signed by both the Secretary of the Treasury and the Treasurer.
List of Secretaries of the Treasury
Name | Years |
Alexander Hamilton | 1789–1793 |
Oliver Wolcott | 1795–1800 |
Samuel Dexter | 1801 |
Albert Gallatin | 1801–1814 |
George Campbell | 1814 |
Alexander Dallas | 1814–1816 |
William Crawford | 1816–1825 |
Richard Rush | 1825–1829 |
Samuel Ingham | 1829–1831 |
Louis McLane | 1831–1833 |
William Duane | 1833 |
Roge Taney | 1833–1834 |
Levi Woodbury | 1834–1841 |
Thomas Ewing | 1841 |
Walter Forward | 1841–1843 |
John Spencer | 1843–1844 |
George Bibb | 1844–1845 |
Robert Walker | 1845–1849 |
William Meredith | 1849–1850 |
Thomas Corwin | 1850–1853 |
James Guthrie | 1853–1857 |
Howell Cobb | 1857–1860 |
Philip Thomas | 1860–1861 |
John Dix | 1861 |
Salmon P. Chase | 1861–1864 |
William Fessenden | 1864–1865 |
Hugh McCulloch | 1865–1869, 1884–1885 |
George Boutwell | 1869–1873 |
William Richardson | 1873–1874 |
Benjamin Bristow | 1874–1876 |
Lot Morrill | 1876–1877 |
John Sherman | 1877–1881 |
William Windom | 1881, 1889–1891 |
Charles Folger | 1881–1884 |
Walter Gresham | 1884 |
Daniel Manning | 1885–1887 |
Charles Fairchild | 1887–1889 |
Charles Foster | 1891–1893 |
John Carlisle | 1893–1897 |
Lyman Gage | 1897–1902 |
Leslie Shaw | 1902–1907 |
George Cortelyou | 1907–1909 |
Franklin MacVeigh | 1909–1913 |
William G. McAdoo | 1913–1918 |
Carter Glass | 1918–1920 |
David Houston | 1920–1921 |
Andrew Mellon | 1921–1932 |
Ogden Mills | 1932–1933 |
William Woodin | 1933 |
Heny Morgenthau | 1934–1945 |
Fred Vinson | 1945–1946 |
John Snyder | 1946–1953 |
George Humphrey | 1953–1957 |
Robert Anderson | 1957–1961 |
C. Douglas Dillon | 1961–1965 |
Henry Fowler | 1965–1968 |
Joseph Barr | 1968–1969 |
David Kennedy | 1969–1971 |
John Connally | 1971–1972 |
George P. Shultz | 1972–1974 |
William Simon | 1974–1977 |
W. Michael Blumenthal | 1977–1979 |
G. William Miller | 1979–1981 |
Donald Regan | 1981–1985 |
James Baker | 1985–1988 |
Nicholas Brady | 1988–1993 |
Lloyd Bentsen | 1993–1994 |
Robert E. Rubin | 1995–1999 |
Lawrence Summers | 1999–2001 |
Paul O'Neill | 2001–2002 |
John Snow | 2003–2006 |
Henry M. Paulson | 2006–2009 |
Timothy Geithner | 2009–2013 |
Jack Lew | 2013–2017 |
Steven Mnuchin | 2017– |