Twinsburg, Ohio

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Twinsburg is a small town in Ohio located roughly between Cleveland and Akron.

Originally founded as Millsville in 1817, two years later identical twin brothers Moses and Aaron Wilcox purchased land in the area. They offered the town six acres of land for a town square, and $20 (a lot of money in 1819) towards the public school, if the town would change its name to Twinsburg, an offer the town quickly accepted. (The brothers were very close in life, lifelong business partners who married sisters, had the same number of children, and contracted a fatal ailment at the same time and died within mere hours of each other, and are buried in the same grave at the local cemetery.)

Twins Days

The town is known worldwide for Twins Days, the largest gathering of multiples (twins, triplets, etc.) Started in 1976 (as a way to celebrate the American Bicentennial and the Wilcox twins), the event became annual (the town recognizing the potential for tourism); it is held the first full weekend in August.