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Bob Sherman
This user has accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
Bibleopened.jpeg This user reads the Bible in a straightforward or literal manner.
YEC This user is a Young Earth Creationist.
This user doesn't believe but knows that evolution cannot explain the complexity of species.
This user is proud to be an American citizen.
George w bush.jpeg
This user supports
President George W. Bush.
This user believes
Ronald Reagan
was the greatest president ever.
Gadsden flag.png This user is a TEA Partier
Cjjfdjfty.png This user supports the Republican party.

My name is PVT Robert Jackson Sherman, Sr. and I am a Young-Earth Creationist and Tea Party activist. I believe Conservapedia is a great way to bring the truth to Americans suffering from the disgusting liberal, atheist bias that pervades this great country.

How I Found Conservapedia

As stated above, I am a huge supporter of Conservapedia's cause. Like many, I was fed up with all the obvious liberal bias that is found throughout Wikipedia and the media. I briefly considered starting my own wiki site that exemplifies ultra-conservative, fundamentalist Christian values but happened upon Conservapedia when looking for inspiration for how to start it. Conservapedia proved to be such a valuable, balanced, intellectual, and comprehensive source for the topics it discusses that I chose to use it for my own further education regarding politics and religion and even for news.

About Me

All my life I've been a staunchly devoted fundamentalist Christian and a proud right-wing Republican. I'm part of my local Republican caucus in my native state of Idaho and I attend church every Sunday without fail. I attended Liberty University (Go Flames!), served for four years in the United States Army attaining the rank of Private, and now live with my wife and two sons. I firmly believe that the evolutionist, atheist agenda is profoundly detrimental to society and believe Barack Obama is a Muslim who was born in Kenya.
I read the Bible daily and take it literally. I stand by the fact that God created the Earth 6000 years ago and that a pair of all the animal species of the world fit into Noah's Ark. I vehemently oppose evolution; all the undeniable evidence science has proven about it is just a disgusting liberal, atheist ploy to brainwash America. God created animals in their present form. The Bible says so. The Bible is right because it's the word of God. End of story. I have an overwhelming distrust of our president. All the endless time and honest devotion he's put into going to church and being a proper Christian is obviously just another ploy to trick America. His birth certificate is obviously fake as well. Yes, he's shown the country his legitimate birth certificate that proves beyond a doubt he was born in Hawaii, but I'm positive that by continuing to criticize and scrutinize we will once and for all prove it's a forgery and that Obama was born in Kenya. I also believe homosexuality is a choice; the fact that 2-3% of the world's population having the gene that causes homosexuality is clearly the work of Satan tempting these sinners. But I digress.
I do a lot of campaign work for the conservative, Christian Republicans who run for office.

Main Contributions

Because I am relatively new here, I don't have very many contributions as of yet, but I plan on becoming a reliable, regular contributor to this site. I first created the pages for Liopleurodon, Soviet atheism, Isaac Newton and atheism, Atheism and logic, Atheism symbols, Supermajority, and Definition of naturalism. As noted by user:Conservative, my work on Soviet atheism inspired Conservapedia's project to expand its atheism articles.