Walter Weyl

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Walter Weyl was an intellectual leader during the Progressive Era, and a founder[1] of The New Republic magazine. Walter Lippmann wrote of Weyl that "He was by far the best trained economist in the progressive movement. He was the only active Bull Moose I ever knew who thought the Progressive program could be justified by statistics of the social facts as well as by moral denunciation."[2]

His son was Nathaniel Weyl.

Weyl wrote in his best known work The New Democracy(1912) that Marxism (which he called "absolute socialism") is "essentially religious."[3] Despite being anti-Marxist, Weyl was a committed progressive.


  1. What We Lost With the Loss of the New Republic
  2. Public Persons, by Walter Lippmann
  3. The New Democracy, p. 173, "For, buttressed though it was by reasonings from science, absolute socialism remained in its appeal essentially religious."