World History Homework Two Answers - Student 9

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1. Greece existed from 775 B.C. with the Olympic Games and this amazing cavitation came to an end in 100 B.C. when the Romans invaded.

OK, could be a bit more precise in the dates, but it's not essential. I think there is something wrong with the word choice: perhaps you meant "civilization" rather than "cavitation"?

2. My favorite Aesop’s fable is the tortoise and the Hare because it gives us a very good lesson about patience and it also shows us that if we use everything that we have in the very beginning we won’t have anything left at the end of the race.


3. Plato accepted the world of the phenomena as a mere shadow of the real world of ideas. When we observe a horse, we recognize what it is because our soul remembers the idea of the horse from the time before our birth. In Plato's political philosophy, only wise men who understand the dual nature of reality are fit to rule the country. He made three voyages to Syracuse to establish his ideal state, both times without lasting results. Plato's hypothesis that our soul was once in a better place and now lives in a fallen world made it easy to combine Platonic philosophy and Christianity, which accounts for the popularity of Platonism during the antiquity. On the other hand Plato's most famous student, a Macedonian scientist who studied biology and founded a school in Athens. Most of his writings are lost but his lecture notes which were rediscovered in the first century BC are still available. During the last decades, scholars have started to re-examine the fragments of the lost works, which have led to important changes in our understanding of Aristotle's philosophy. What is generally thought is that Aristotle replaced his master's speculations with a more down-to-earth philosophy. His main works are Prior Analytics (in which he described the rules of logic), Physics, the Animal History, Rhetorics, Poetics, Metaphysics, Nicomachean Ethics and Politics, all classic books.

Terrific answer. (Minor flaws: "three voyages ... both times" should be "three voyages ... each time"; also, the sentence beginning "On the other hand Plato's ...." is not a complete sentence)

4. Homer was an Ancient Greek writer of whom we know next to nothing about, including (maybe) his name; Homer is the name assigned to the writer of the Iliad and the Odyssey, two ancient Greek texts that describe the events of the Trojan War (somewhere around 1300-1200 BC, if you believe in that sort of thing). From internal references, modern historians believe that the two texts were written in the 8th century BC, somewhere in Asia Minor, maybe Ionia.


8. I really don’t see any weakness in the Greek democracy. I know you want me to find one but I honestly can’t. Why do you think they were such a thriving empire? Everything I read was flawless as far as democracy goes.

OK, full credit. My point in the question concerned about the democracy collapsed. The empire was thriving in the city-states but did not reach the greatness in terms of territory that other empires attained. But the Greek civilization surpassed all, or nearly all, other empires in intellectual achievement.

Dylan B.

Grade: 50/50. Terrific work!--Andy Schlafly 17:13, 20 September 2011 (EDT)