Economics:Model Answers

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Model Answers in bold:

Lecture One Assignment

Introductory: 1. In three sentences or less, what do you hope to learn in this course?

To learn how businesses try to make money and how consumers try to keep money.

2. Give two short examples each of “normative statements” and “positive statements.”

Positive: fish live in trees. (NOTE that a positive statement is a factual claim that need not be true.)

Normative: people should eat less fast food.

3. Describe a few transaction costs associated with buying something.

Spending time looking for a store that sells it, and then spending more time look for the store that sells it at the lowest price, and then spending and money traveling to the store to buy it.

Intermediate: 4. Give some examples of scarcity created entirely by man (rather than nature), such as a ticket on the maiden voyage of the Titanic. Why do people create and emphasize scarce things? Does the illusion of scarcity increase the price? Does television prefer talking about scarce items? Why?

The office of President of the United States.

Tickets at the Super Bowl.

Being the first man to step foot on the moon.

5. What do you think are the main reasons that the “invisible hand” is preferable to government dictating how a pencil should be made? Rank your reasons in order of importance.

1. The invisible hand motivates people to work harder.

2. The invisible hand motivates people to reduce waste.

3. The invisible hand motivated people to invent and create.

4. No single entity, such as government, is smart enough at planning.

5. The invisible hand can adjust to change more quickly than government.

6. Why can volunteer work sometimes be more efficient and productive than hired labor? Where is the invisible hand for volunteer work?

Charity provides religious and spiritual rewards, which can be an even greater motivator than money. Also, there are fewer transaction costs in charity, as fewer people are trying to make money as middlemen.

Honors: Write an essay of about 300 words on one or more of the following topics:
7. Read the account of the multiplication of the loaves by Jesus. Matthew 14:13-21. After reading that, do you think scarcity really does exist?

Maybe not. It didn't on that day with Jesus. Perhaps scarcity is a human illusion, and the result of turning away from God.

8. What is money, really?

Perhaps it is only a form of speech. Often it is given more meaning than it really has. People who win the lottery end up worse off than those who lose.

9. Should spending money be protected by the free speech clause?

Yes, because otherwise politicians are censoring valid criticism of their work.

10. Does the U.S. Constitution protect private property?

Yes, such as the Fifth Amendment.

Lecture Two Assignment

Introductory: 1. In a free market, the price and quantity at which goods are sold are where __________ equals ___________.

supply equals demand

2. Suppose the price demand curve is P = $20 - Q, where P is price and Q is quantity. Also suppose the price supply curve is P = $4 + Q. At what price and quantity will the good be sold?

The good is sold where supply equals demand. That means the supply P must equal the demand P, and the supply Q must equal the demand Q. This can be found by graphing the above two equations and seeing where they intersect, or by solving them by setting P to the same value in both:


Plugging this back into the first equation gives P:

Checking our work, we plug this P and Q into the second equation:

Answer: Q = 8, P = $12

Intermediate: 3. Draw the supply and demand for air. In addition, draw the supply and demand for a good that costs $10000000000000000000000000 trillion dollars.

The demand curve for air must be at a zero price, which is the x-axis (P=0 everywhere). The supply curve for air must be at fixed quantity, and hence a vertical line. They must intersect at P=0, Q=amount of air in the atmosphere:

Air supply and demand.jpg

Note, however, that air is not a scarce good, and that is why its supply and demand curves are so unusual and nonsensical.

The point where supply equals demand for an extremely expensive good must be at low quantity Q. From there the supply curve would slope upwards, and the demand curve would slope downwards:

Expensive good supply and demand.jpg

(thanks to Kevin for both graphs above)

4. Suppose 1000 persons in a town each have the following weekly demands for gas, and the gas stations have the following weekly supplies:

Gallons Demand Price/gallon Supply Price/gallon 10 $2.50 $.50 20 $2 $.75 30 $1 $1 40 $.75 $1.50

(A) What is the price and overall quantity of gas sold each week?

The price and quantity at which the good (gas) is sold is where supply equals demand. That means that the P for supply equals the P for demand, and the Q for supply equals the Q for demand. Looking at the above table, where do both the P and Q for supply equal the corresponding P and Q for demand? That occurs on the third line above: Q equals 30 for both supply and demand, and P equals $1 for both supply and demand. The answer is there: P=$1, Q=30.

(B) Suppose Congress declares war and imposes a price control of $.75 per gallon. At what price and overall quantity will gas sell each week?

When price P is fixed by the government at $.75, then what is the corresponding Q supply and demand? Looking at the table, the corresponding Q in the supply column is 20 gallons, and the corresponding Q in the demand column is 40 gallons. The lower number is what matters, because nothing can be bought unless it is both supplied and demanded. So the supply is 20 gallons and that is what is sold at $.75 per gallon. That is 20 times 0.75 = $15 per person, or $15,000 for the whole town. Some may try to buy and sell gas illegally at a higher price, as illegal markets often develop when there are price controls.

5. Suppose the government limits the supply of Toyota cars that can be imported in 2008 to a certain quota. What effect does this have on the supply curve, and on the equilibrium price? Who is helped by this import quota, and who is hurt? Be as specific as possible.

Import quotas cause the supply curve to shift upward, and for the equilibrium where supply meets demand to shift to less quantity at a greater price. the consumers are hurt by import quotas, and everyone pays more for the cars and some people who wanted the car at its lower, free market price, cannot buy it at the higher price. Sellers of Toyota cars are helped because they make bigger profits per car sold, although they cannot sell as many as before.

6. Suppose you went to see the opening of your favorite new movie, but it is sold out. However, there are four independent scalpers are (illegally) reselling their tickets outside. Four strangers are each willing to pay the scalpers at most $15, $10, $9 and $8 for a ticket. The scalpers are initially willing to sell each of their tickets for at least $7, $8, $9, and $12. The eight of you get together and bargain, and then tickets are sold at a common price. What is the price and how many tickets sell at that price? Should scalping be illegal in New Jersey?

One customer (C1) is willing to pay $15. Another customer (C2) is willing to pay $10. Likewise, customers C3 will pay $9 and C4 will pay $8. One scalper (S1) scalper willing to sell for $7, scalper S2 will sell at $8, S3 will sell at $9, and S4 at $12. C1, C2, and C3 will all be willing to buy tickets from S1, S2, and S3 at $9. S4 is not willing to sell at the price, and C4 is not willing to buy at the that price, so both choose not to deal. Three tickets are thus sold at the "common price" or market price of $9 each.

Scalping is a form of free market activity. If there are willing buyers and sellers for the tickets, then why interfere with these sales? Scalping is illegal in New Jersey, but still happens illegally.

Honors: Write an essay of about 300 words total on one or more of the following topics:
7. Should government regulations require and monitor honest and full disclosure of information by sellers to buyers?

For the buyer to make informed decisions, he must have information. Even "buyer beware" (caveat emptor) assumes a buyer who can find information. The seller has the information, and regulations requiring it to tell the buyer seem helpful to free enterprise.

8. Should price discrimination be illegal?

For banning price discrimination: a common price encourages more economic activity.

For allowing price discrimination: if buyers and sellers are willing to exchange at different prices, doesn't this maximize overall benefit?

9. What is an economic incentive for excluding homeschooled athletes from high school sports? Should that be legal?

By banning homeschoolers from sports, public and private schools are encouraging students to enroll in their schools. That brings them more money.

10. Describe your view of if or how government should regulate medical prices.

It shouldn't. Price controls, as illustrated by the gasoline problem above, results in shortages.

11. “Economic theory of law and the public domain - When is Piracy Economically Desirable?” See

Piracy of information can increase market activity. Napster caused much additional traffic on the internet in the late 1990s, and this helped the dot-com boom. But copyright violations are illegal in order to encourage the creation of new works. It is a delicate policy balance between promoting market activity now and promoting creative works for future benefit.

Lecture Three Assignment

Introductory: 1. In a free market, the responsiveness of demand to a change in price is known as its ____________.

Price elasticity of demand.

2. A good that is addictive often has (elastic or inelastic) demand for it. Choose the correct answer.


3. Give examples of a complement and a substitute for breakfast eggs.

Complement for eggs: ham, bacon, toast, sausage, cheese, salt, pepper.

Substitute for eggs: oatmeal, french toast, pancakes, cereal.

Intermediary: 4. Describe a perfectly elastic demand curve, and a perfectly inelastic one.

Perfectly elastic: a horizontal line. Perfectly inelastic: a vertical line.

5. If the demand curve is a straight line having negative slope (i.e., increasing quantity as price decreases), then draw or describe the shape of its curve for price elasticity of demand:

The point here is that the price elasticity of demand changes depending on where you are on the straight-line curve, because price elasticity is a ratio of the percent change in quantity demanded to a percent change in price.

6. Describe what a negative income elasticity of demand means. Give an example of a good or service that might have a negative income elasticity of demand.

Negative income elasticity of demand refers to a good whose demand becomes less as people's income goes up. That is because it is a good that is a cheaper version of something. An example of a good that has a negative income elasticity of demand is generic drugs. As people’s income goes up, they will be more willing to pay extra for the brand name drugs. However, it is true that people are forced to pay for the brand name drugs until the original patent runs out. (thanks to Kevin for that)

Honors: 7. Suppose the demand for a special type of colored corn is inelastic. Suppose there was a disease that uniformly killed 20% of all the cornstalks, but did not affect demand at all (i.e., the public was not scared by the disease). Explain if corn farmers are better or worse off due to the disease, and why.

Farmers are better off, because the price increases and so do their profits.

Write an essay of about 200 words total on one or more of the following topics:

8. Should there be a minimum wage law?

9. Does free trade add value or simply redistribute wealth?

10. Is economics almost always determinative of the outcome on political issues, such as elections?

Lecture Four Assignment

Introductory: 1. The total utility of a good represents the consumer’s _________________.


2. Conservatives say a bad effect of raising the minimum wage is that it causes more students to drop out of school. Why would that happen?

Students are often paid the minimum wage, and the higher that is, the more attractive jobs are to students. More students will want quick money now rather than stay in school and delay their ability to make (more) money later.


3. A student likes swimming and playing the violin. The first hour she swims she improves by 6 units of utility, and then each successive hour she improves by half the rate of the hour before it. The first hour she practices the violin she improves by 4 units of utility, then each successive hour she improves at a rate of 90% the hour before it. In 3 total hours to practice, how should she maximize her utility?

Her first hour is best spent swimming, to gain 6 units of utility. But her utility from swimming a second hour would be only half, or 3 units. She earns more utility by playing the violin, gaining 4 units of utility. The third hour she has a choice between 90% x 4 = 3.6 units of utility from playing the violin, or 3 units of utility from swimming. She maximizes her utility by playing the violin.

4. How might one’s overall “utility” include religious goals that have nothing to do with money? Be specific.

Spiritual benefits can be part of one's utility. By helping others, it can advance utility with respect to God.

5. Suppose you manage a golf course for profit. You poll your customers and find that, each month, they value their first game at $30, their second game at $20, their third at $10, fourth at $0, and refuse to play any more in the same month. It is impractical to charge based on whether someone has previously played a round this month. How do you best charge your customers?

It's best to offer a monthly package

6. Bad British economic policies and a fungus wiped out the basic food supply of potatoes in Ireland between 1846 and 1849, killing 500,000 and sending many Irish to the United States. Do you think potatoes might have been an “inferior” good then? What would you expect the income effect of the shortage of potatoes to have been?

An "inferior good" is one that has increasing demand as income decreases. As income decreased in Ireland, it is easy to imagine greater demand for potatoes because that is all people could afford.

The income effect is the increased demand for a good, when its price decreases, due to the consumer having more cash (more real income) from the price decrease. The consumer has more money to spend when the price of the good declines, and he uses some of that extra money to buy more of the good. This effect is larger for goods that consumers depend heavily upon, such as certain foods and gasoline.


7. Do you think a Giffen good really exists? Can you see any possible political bias in the claim that Giffen goods exist? Your views, please.

8. Suppose you are a rational consumer who makes purchases by maximizing marginal utility. One day you hear that the price on a good you purchase (e.g., milk), falls by 30%. The Law of Demand says you should buy more of it. Using only the assumption that you maximize marginal utility, prove the Law of Demand as best you can.

Proof of the law of demand (If the price of ‘a’ decreases then the demand for ‘a’ increases) is found through the law of equiproportion marginal benefit (MUa/Pa=MUb/Pb=MUc/Pc). When the price of good ‘a’ decreases (Pa decreases) the Marginal Utility of good ‘a’ (MUa) must also decrease to keep MUa/Pa equal to MUb/Pb and MUc/Pc. To decrease the marginal utility of good ‘a’ you (and all other rational consumers) buy more of it, and this increases the demand for good ‘a’. Therefore if the price of good ‘a’ decreases the demand for good ‘a’ increases. (thanks to Tim S. for that answer)

9. Suppose a friend of yours announced that when he has a choice between a cheaper good made in China and a more expensive good made here, he will buy the latter based on his opposition to communism. Is he being irrational?

Lecture Five Assignment

Introductory: 1. Your boss asked you to work overtime. Is that a short-run or long-run solution for him?

A short-run solution.

2. Explain briefly economic “efficiency”. Give an example of something that is efficient, and something else that is not.

Efficiency is the optimal use of time and resources. It has zero waste.

Homeschooling can be efficient. Public school is not.

Intermediate: 4. Your widget company has the following costs: Producing 10 widgets, your costs are $2000. Producing 8 widgets, your costs are $1800. Producing 6 widgets, your costs are $1500. Producing 4 widgets, your costs are $1200. Producing 2 widgets, your costs are $800. Producing 0 widgets, your costs are $400. What is your fixed cost? What is your MC for widgets 7 & 8? What are your average costs for producing 4 widgets?

The fixed cost is $400. The marginal cost for widgets 7 and 8 is $150 apiece, or $300 total. The average cost for producing 4 widgets is $300 per widget.

5. A regulator had to choose new regulation A or B: (A) imposed substantial new transaction costs on consumers, while (B) did not. Which option would the Coase Theorem tend to prefer? Say why.

The Coase Theorem states that the efficient result occurs when there are no transaction costs. Therefore the Coase theorem tends to prefer the absence of regulations, or option (B).

6. Explain why a businessman fixes his production or supply of goods at the point where his marginal cost equals his marginal revenue.

If marginal revenue (MR) exceeds marginal cost (MC), then the businessman should sell even more goods to make more profits. If MR is less than MC, then the businessman is losing money with each good and should sell less.

7. Explain the difference between marginal cost and average cost.

Marginal cost is a firm's additional cost for supplying one more good. Average cost is the firm's overall cost for supplying all his goods, averaged over the number of goods he supplies.

Honors: Write a 300-word essay on one or more of the following:

10. Democratic politicians complain about the gap between the rich and poor. Would the economy work any better if the gap were smaller? Assume the absence of transaction costs.

According to the Coase Theorem, this gap is meaningless.

11. The Fifth Amendment says “nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.” How does that benefit the economy?

The invisible hand is better than government planning, and this protects property for the power of the invisible hand.

12. “The pen is mightier than the sword.” Assuming that the sword is used mainly to seize property, explain a purely economic justification for that statement.

"While the sword can only be used to seize, kill, and destroy, the pen can be used to persuade, educate, and invent. Because of the destructive nature of the sword, the sword is wholly dependent upon what has or will be constructed. The sword can not sustain itself without seizing the property of others, and therefore is inherently dependent upon the pen. If the sword tries to take too much, then the people will despair, and cease producing, causing the sword to starve to death. On the other hand, the pen is not even limited to producing goods. The pen can also be used to persuade the people. For example, the pen can be used to convince the people to revolt, and kill the bearer of the sword, or to stop producing any more than they absolutely need to survive and by doing so to starve the sword to death." (thanks to prior student Eric J. for that)

Lecture Six Assignment

Introductory: 1. “Accounting profit” is ________ minus _________.

revenue minus explicit costs

2. Suppose your company spends $10,000 on labor and $30,000 on equipment for an output of 5000 widgets. You increase your labor costs to $15,000 and your equipment costs to $45,000, and your output increases to 8000. Describe your return to scale: increasing, constant, or decreasing?

This is increasing returns to scale, because your output increased by a larger percentage than your inputs did.

Intermediate: 3. Suppose the population doubled and the other utilized economic inputs (air, water, capital, etc.) doubled as needed. What would happen to economic output, such as new inventions and food production? In other words, what is the return to scale from increasing population (labor) and other inputs?

Should be increasing returns to scale due to the increased number of inventions and advances in technology by the larger population. Other views accepted, but it is incorrect that there is any shortage of land in the world.

4. Suppose you hire an employee who just took this course, and he says you should invest everything you have in a new facility to reap long-run efficiencies. Why might you say “no”?

This suggestion is risky. We need to know more about the market demand. We need to know whether we have increasing, constant, or decreasing returns to scale. We need to know if Wal-Mart is going to move into our market! As in real life, the best answer is this: we need more information before deciding.

5. In an online encyclopedia such as Wikipedia or Conservapedia, would you say that the marginal product of adding another contributor (editor) increases or decreases? What does that imply about the growth path of the project?

The instructor's view is that marginal product increases with each additional editor, because they can cross-link to each other's articles, discuss ideas with each other, and enjoy the cite more. On Wikipedia, about 410,000 articles were created in the first 5 years, but in the last two years 1.3 million articles have been created. We don't know how many editors they have had but I would guess that marginal product of an additional editor is greater the bigger the project is.

6. Is obtaining a medical, legal, accounting or other type of license to practice in a profession a short-run or long-run cost? Should the State require licenses for professions?

This is a long run cost. Most students said that state licensing is good. The instructor is skeptical: why not let the invisible hand handle this?

7. Suppose your classmate’s company grew and grew, until it had 1 million employees. But then the economy had a downturn, and you faced bankruptcy. You were in the legislature and your classmate begged you to sponsor legislation to give his company a special zero-interest government loan to make it through the tough times. Should you?

This was a debate topic in class, with one side arguing that if the business was valuable then private money would save it, and if not then it is a mistake to give it taxpayer's money. The other side argued that it was beneficial to the economy to save the jobs. The panel ruled against the government giving the company assistance.


8. Suppose you invented fertilizer that is costly to make but has an ever-increasing marginal product. Suppose you own an acre of farmland in South Jersey, and now must decide between spending your money on buying more acres to use the fertilizer, or making more fertilizer. Which should you do? Explain.

9. A company’s stock price often rises when it announces taking a large one-time write-off (or loss) on its accounting books. Using one or more principles learned in this course, can you explain reasons for that effect on the stock price?

10. The tremendous economic growth of the 1980s and 1990s resulted from the “supply side” economic policies of President Ronald Reagan, which boosted production by cutting taxes and encouraging investment. Why might the supply side be more important than the demand side?

Lecture Seven Assignment

1. The best friend of free enterprise is ___________.


2. Describe how you can use competition to help motivate yourself to accomplish a goal.

Trying to be the best in the class, or simply improve over how you did in a prior class or earlier homework or exam.

3. Until began, did not have any competition. What often happens to a firm or service when there is no competition? Why?

Without competition, motivation and quality decline. Inefficiency increases. People have less of a reason to try. A famous slogan of the car rental company Avis was, "We're number two. We try harder.

Intermediate: 4. Suppose you own a widget factory having fixed costs of $10,000. In addition to the $10,000, you have variable costs of $2,500 for each widget you make. Worse, the factory can make only 3 widgets in an entire year! Your widget sells for $5,000. Someone offered to buy your factory for $10,000. Should you sell it?

It depends on what portion of the fixed costs are recurring. There is a profit of $2,500 on every widget that is made, or $7,500 for each year. If less than $2,500 of the fixed costs are recurring on an annual basis (e.g, rental payments), then you would have an annual profit.

5. One day, you visit Wal-Mart to see if you can sell it some widgets. Wal-Mart said it has good new and bad news. The good news is that it wants high volume. The bad news is that it wants a price so low that your MC=MR for every unit sold to it. Should you agree? Explain.

Yes, you probably should agree. Even though your company is not making profits on this, Wal-Mart is paying for your costs (including salaries and advertising).

6. Suppose you own a company that has marginal cost (MC) = $9, average total cost (total cost divided by total output) = $11, average variable cost (average cost of variable inputs, like labor and materials) = $5 and price of the sold good (P) = $8. Should you make any additional goods at these numbers? Should you shut down your company?

Because MC>P, don't make any more goods. But don't shut down the company either, because P exceeds average variable cost. The owners are doing better than if they shut down.

7. Suppose you are running a dinner event at a free facility that has 24 tables seating 8 apiece. Your marginal cost (MC) is $15 per person. Suppose your speaker costs $3500 in fees and expenses. Suppose your demand curve is this: at price P=$15, quantity Q=200; at P=$35, Q=120; at P=$50, Q=70; at P=$60, Q=40; at P=$150, Q=7. How would you price and market your tickets?

The total cost at capacity seating is $3500 plus (24x8x$15=$2880) = $6380. P=$35 does not attract enough people to cover that expense. Only price discrimination, or charging different people different amounts, is going to reach the goal. We would charge for one person $150 and we would draw a maximum of 7 people for revenue of $1050. Perhaps they could sit with the speaker. For a couple or two people we could charge $50 each and we would draw 70 couples for revenue of $3500. Perhaps those couples could receive preferred seating and also meet with the speaker. For a group of four or more we would charge $35 each and we would get 120 people for revenue of $4200. With this approach we might be able to cover expenses and even have some money left over.


8. “One of the greatest benefits of competition is accountability.” How?

Those who waste time and money are defeated by the competition.

9. Describe an industry where you think competition is nearly perfect, and another industry where competition is far from perfect, and explain why for both.

Competition in the stock markets and dairy industry is nearly perfect. Competition in cable television and education is far from perfect.

10. Is competition always a good thing?

Competition is usually a good thing, but not when it leads to wrongful conduct.

Lecture Eight Assignment

Introductory 1. A monopoly can be extraordinarily profitable because there is no __________.


2. Provide three specific examples of monopolies and describe briefly what they do.

The United States Postal Service, which delivers mail; Microsoft, which sells Windows and application programs; the public school system, which pretends to educate students.

3. Given an example of how you lose time, money, or efficiency due to a specific monopoly.

The post office closes at 4:30 pm when most businesses stay open later, and this causes a loss in efficiency when we need to receive service afterwards.

Intermediate 4. “Monopolies may be bad, but government regulations of monopolies are even worse!” Do you agree? Explain.

According to the invisible hand government regulations on monopolies are worse than monopolies themselves. Suppose a monopoly is extravagantly taking advantage of the consumers by raising prices and such. There are two possible actions to take, have the government regulate the monopoly or allow the monopoly to run its course. At first the government regulations seem to be the better option, this, however, makes the monopoly acceptable and is only a short term solution. The monopoly is no longer extravagantly taking advantage of the consumers, but still the monopoly exists and it is taking advantage of its monopoly. Suppose the monopoly was allowed to run its course. If the consumers saw that it needed regulating, then they already know that the monopoly is taking advantage of them. The monopoly will get more and more inefficient and cost the society money. Rational consumers will soon stop purchasing the product that the monopoly has to offer or more likely someone will start up competition of the monopoly and the consumers will buy from them. Since the consumers already dislike the once monopoly they would purchase from the new competition instead. This in turn would encourage others to compete in the market, thus ending the monopoly on the industry. (thanks to Kris. T for that answer)

5. List ways that monopolies can be established.

Monopolies are established by operation of law, by licensing of professionals, by control of valuable resources, by large economies of scale, and by government-granted patents and copyrights that prevent selling substitutes.

6. Suppose Katie likes to paint for money or even for free, but will not pay extra to paint. Suppose also that the monthly demand for her paintings is P = $500 - 50Q. How many paintings does she create each month?

She paint 5 a month. We find this by determining what Q is when P=0, and taking half of that in order to find where MR=0.

7. List some differences between a monopoly and a competitive industry.

In a monopoly there is no competition, which is the #1 qualification in a competitive industry. A monopoly has market power, in which it can set its own prices, while a competitive firm must take the price consumers are willing to pay and thus had no market power. Additionally, a competitive firm will produce where MR=MC, P=MR (because of no market power) and P=MC. Conversely, a monopolistic firm will produce where MR=MC, but P>MC. (thanks to Rebecca B., who now runs her own business)

8. Suppose Anthony owns a company having marginal costs of $5 for all his units. If he sells only one, then he reaps $11; selling two fetches a price of $10 piece; selling 3 attains a price of $9; selling four reaps $8; Q=5 would have P=$7; Q=6 has P=$6, etc. A competitive firm would have the same cost and demand numbers. What does Anthony sell at, and what is the social cost of his monopoly?

If Anthony's company has monopoly and a marginal cost of $5 per widget, then using the described demand curve, his company should sell three widgets at $9 apiece. This will give Anthony's company a profit of $12. By increasing his production to four widgets, Anthony would not increase his profits at all, and consequently will not produce the fourth widget. Instead of spending his time producing a fourth widget that has a marginal profit of $0, Anthony should go on vacation, or spend his time in some productive manner. ... (thanks to Eric J. for that answer)

The answer to the second half of the problem is as follows. From the Lecture, “For a monopoly, its social cost is defined as Price minus marginal cost (P-MC) summed over all of the output not sold by the monopoly that would have been sold in a competitive industry.” If Anthony sells only four widgets, then that is four less than what a competitive market would sell. But look at the demand curve. You can’t just multiply Q=4 times the P-MC of $9-$5. Instead, you have to sum the (P-MC) over each of the withheld units, because each one has a different P. One would have sold at $6 (P-MC=$6-$5=$1), one at $7 (P-MC=$2), one at $8 and one at $9. That total is $1 + $2 + $3 + $4 = $10 social cost. If Anthony sold 5 units at $8, then the social cost is $1 + $2 + $3 = $6.

Honors 9. Estimates are not very accurate about homeschooling, but some guess that 1 out of every 25 students is homeschooled. At what level or fraction would homeschooling end the public school monopoly? Discuss.

10. Suppose you live in a valley where water flows freely and abundantly from a spring. Suppose your entire family uses on average 80 gallons a day. But then a company bought the spring. If the demand curve is a straight line from P=$100, Q=0 to P=$0, Q=80, at what price and quantity would the company sell water?

The water company has a monopoly, and monopolies (like every company) price its good where marginal revenue (MR) equals marginal cost (MC). We have to assume that MC=0 here. So where is MR=0? By trial and error, if necessary, we we see that MR=0 when Q=40 and P=$50. Algebraically we can reach the same result as follows:

Marginal Revenue = (change in revenue) divided by (change in sales) = (change in PxQ) divided by (change in Q)

The lecture says that "You will need this for several homework problems: when the demand curve is a straight line, the curve for the marginal revenue of a monopoly intersects the x-axis at exactly half the quantity of the demand curve."

The intersection of the x-axis is where MR = 0, which is what we seek here. That occurs at exactly half the quantity of the demand curve, which is Q= 80/2 = 40. Plugging that back into the demand equation yields P = $50.

We can also prove this result by using calculus. Marginal Revenue is the derivative of total revenue:

Setting MR = 0 yields:


Plugging back into the first equation to find P yields:

11. Monopolies: should the government regulate them? If so, how?

Yes: because monopolies impose social loss on society. Regulate them by breaking them up into competing companies.

No: because the "cure" of regulation is worse than the "disease" of the monopoly.