Underrated Sports Stars

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The lamestream media like to promote athletes based not on skill, but for liberal reasons. Here's a growing list of the most underrated sports stars:

Athlete Achievement Possible reasons for being underrated
Stephen Curry Led an average team to one of the best records ever in 2014 and an unexpected NBA Championship, and Curry may be the finest NBA shooter of all-time. Yet he received 0 out of 10 votes for MVP in the finals in 2015, which was given to a teammate who was not even initially a starter in the series.[1] Curry led his team in scoring, assists, and steals during the 2014-2015 season. he's an outspoken Christian who even engraves a Bible verse on his shoes, leaving Nike to do that.[2]
Novak Djokovic "he put together the greatest season since Australian champion Rod Laver won the Grand Slam in 1969. Despite that, mainstream reports after his US Open win virtually failed to mention the Serb’s remarkable season ...."[3] he's one of the Greatest Conservative Sports Stars
Tim Duncan Led an average team to five NBA Championships -- more than double the number won by Lebron James. Duncan also won these championships without supercoach Phil Jackson, who coached the Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant teams to victory. Yet the media give Duncan relatively little attention. played in conservative Texas, while the liberal media overpromoted liberals like Kobe Bryant
Stan Musial Seven batting titles, three championships, an amazing home run-to-strikeout ratio and overall statistics superior to nearly everyone; Ty Cobb said Musial "is the closest to being perfect in the game today" in 1952, Willie Mays said that "Musial is the best all around hitter," and yet he has always been underpublicized by the media. An acclaimed sportswriter even wrote a book trying to understand why "Stan Musial is Largely Forgotten," as the title of a book review put it.[4] ESPN once called him one of the five best players of all-time [2] and Bill James ranked him as #7 all-time.[5] a devout Catholic who played in the conservative Midwest
Reggie White the best defensive football player ever, he twice won the AP Defensive Player of the Year award, set an NFL career record at the time of 198 sacks, appeared 13 consecutive times in the Pro Bowl, and won a Super Bowl championship[6] spoke out against the homosexual agenda and was hated by homosexual activists for it
Eddie Murray one of very few baseball superstars to exceed 500 home runs and 3,000 base hits gave the media the silent treatment, and a sneaker company dared to run him for president in a humorous campaign against liberal Bill Clinton in 1996[7]
Jim Plunkett omitted from the Hall of Fame despite winning the Heisman Trophy and then leading the mediocre Oakland/Los Angeles Raiders to two spectacular Super Bowl victories; Joe Namath won only one Super Bowl and yet he's in the Hall of Fame, and so is Troy Aikman, despite mediocre statistics with phenomenal teams a Mexican American who exemplified the American Dream and never asked for sympathy despite being raised by two blind parents, whom he praised immensely
Bill Laimbeer omitted from the Hall of Fame despite being only the 19th player to surpass both 10,000 points and rebounds.[8] Laimbeer was the finest long-range shooting center in history,[9] and led an average team to two championships in a highly competitive era. a conservative who defeated both Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson and won two NBA championships (including sweeping Magic's Lakers in four games), Laimbeer was demonized by the liberal media
Pat McCormick won double gold medals in women's diving at back-to-back Olympics she won her second pair of gold medals five months after she gave birth
Tora Berger "almost complete dominance of the 2013 World Championships, winning four gold medals from six available" in the biathlon[10] the biathlon includes the use of guns, which liberals do not like
Zach Johnson two stunning championships in the golf majors, including defeating Tiger Woods in his prime and winning the British Open in 2014, plus 12 overall PGA victories with a 4-1 record in playoffs reads Bible verses during tournaments
Tim Brown gained the five-most overall yardage of any NFL player,[11] despite playing for weak teams; he gained more yardage than many Hall of Famers, and yet he was not voted into the NFL Hall of Fame for five years until 2015. He is one of only 9 players ever to win the Heisman Trophy and be inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame. preached his Christian faith and played Gospel music in the Raiders weight room
Herschel Walker he is the only football player to gain more than 4,000 yards in rushing, pass receiving, and returning kickoffs, and yet is not in the Hall of Fame.[12] His overall yardage gained is better than numerous players who are in the Hall of Fame. outspoken Christian who also dared to compete with the NFL, and who also praised Donald Trump
Serena Williams The finest women's athlete of all-time and likely to break the record for the most grand slam victories in women's tennis despite playing in a highly competitive era, but the media are stingy in giving her full credit a devout Christian

See also


  1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/early-lead/wp/2015/06/17/should-andre-iguodala-have-won-the-nba-finals-mvp-award-over-lebron-james/
  2. http://www.christianpost.com/news/stephen-currys-new-basketball-sneaker-features-bible-verse-133582/
  3. |http://www.couriermail.com.au/sport/tennis/novak-djokovic-could-surpass-rafael-nadal-and-roger-federer/story-fnii0pkt-1227533813947?sv=1ecd2a1ea5a8d6f4b29142dce5edd117
  4. http://kenbraiterman.com/book-asks-why-stan-musial-is-largely-forgotten/
  5. [1]
  6. http://www.cheatsheet.com/sports/10-greatest-nfl-players-of-all-%c2%adtime.html/?a=viewall#ixzz3hCcexfvH
  7. https://darrengarnick.wordpress.com/2008/11/03/eddie-murray/
  8. http://www.notinhalloffame.com/basketball/1714-28-bill-laimbeer
  9. Ranked #6 as the best three-point shooter among big players in history, which includes forwards
  10. https://uk.sports.yahoo.com/blogs/the-rundown/world-greatest-female-athletes-113854074.html
  11. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/leaders/all_purpose_yds_career.htm
  12. https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/3abl0b/is_it_jus_me_or_is_herschel_walker_almost_hall_of/