Essay: Fornonormativity

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Fornonormativity (FOR-no-norm-uh-TIV-ih-tee) is a state of society or any subset thereof, in which fornication and related behaviors are presupposed to be normal, morally good, and expected. In a fornonormative social milieu, people who abstain from said behaviors are considered deviant. In a more advanced fornonormative culture, in which a wider set of what are traditionally called sexual immoral behaviors has been normativized, people who oppose certain behaviors in any public way start to suffer actual persecution.

"Fornonormativity" is a coinage from the Greek "porneia", which in the New Testament refer to sexual immorality in general. The set of behaviors proscribed in the Bible are a partial list of what fornonormativity seeks to elevate and protect. Some of the proscribed behaviors are not, at least not yet, part of American fornonormavity, but some of them may yet become so.

Fornonormativity also supports peripheral behaviors such as abortion-on-demand, which can be traced back to the normativization of pre-marital sex. The American fornonormative culture also created a large demand for easy divorce. Fornonormativity is an important part of the people's susceptibility to the notion that a homosexually immoral relationship can be sanctified as marriage.

To see an example of fornonormativity in action, consider the sitcom. In most modern situation comedies, among other entertainment programs, there's a courtship-marriage sequence that has been drastically rearranged. Sex is expected long before any possibility of marriage. Cohabitation is expected in between. Another example, is the LGBT campaign, which has built upon the foundation of fornonormativity to such a forceful degree, that it has started methodically ruining the lives and businesses of people who resist.