Grease (musical)

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Grease, the musical and immensely popular movie, is a fundamentally conservative tale of how high school romance transforms a delinquent teenage boy into a productive man.

John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John starred in the Hollywood production (based on the original 1971 musical) released by Paramount Pictures in the summer of 1978, to much acclaim. The movie rocketed to the highest grossing musical movie as of that time, and its soundtrack was the second highest selling in the United States in that year. This movie has been called the last true blockbuster musical made by Hollywood]].[1]

Shockingly -- and perhaps because this movie is conservative -- this superb movie did not receive a single Oscar. Bias against its featuring of muscle cars and its positive portrayal of traditional relationships maybe why Leftist Hollywood shunned it at the Academy Awards.

See also
