Last modified on August 4, 2010, at 22:12

Worst College Majors

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by KJohnson (Talk | contribs) at 22:12, August 4, 2010. It may differ significantly from current revision.

The worst college majors are fields of study that leave the student with relatively few job opportunities and often a distorted or ultra-liberal view of the world. If the student incurred debt in attending college, then he is left with obligations without any practical way to pay for them.

We encourage college students and employers to improve this list over time.


  1. Women's studies[1][2][3]
  2. Film
  3. General Religious studies program at a liberal college[4]
  4. English Literature/Literary Criticism
  5. Music Therapy
  6. Dance
  7. Interior Decorating
  8. Art History
  9. Comic Book Art
  10. Parapsychology
  11. Surfing Studies
  12. Golf Management – University of Birmingham / Florida Gulf Coast University
  13. Communications
  14. Gambling -- euphemistically called "Gaming"
  15. Evolutionary biology
  16. Architecture[5]
  17. Degrees leading to careers in investment banking and corporate work[6]
  18. Journalism[7]


  1. Football Culture
  2. Queer Musicology – UCLA
  3. The Science of Harry Potter – Frostburg University [8]
  4. Native American Feminism - University of Michigan
  5. Cyber Feminism - Cornell University
  6. Feminist New Black Man - Occidental College [9]
  7. Philosophy and Star Trek – Georgetown University in Washington [10]
  8. Emotional Literacy[11]



  1. "Women’s studies ... is disappearing from British universities. ... Students have begun to realise, too, that women’s studies is useless for getting you a job. It’s no coincidence that the subject’s collapse coincided with the introduction of tuition fees. The moment you start paying for something is the moment you consider whether it’s really worthwhile." [1]
  4. Religious majors at liberal colleges are often atheistic or anti-Christian in curriculum. Ministers, however, have a low 1.2% unemployment rate in the United States. [2]
  8. CBS News: Harry Potter Goes To College: Professor Uses Boy Wizard To Explores Links Between Magic, Science, by Bootie Cosgrove-Mather, Sept. 26, 2003 [3] ...Frostburg State President Catherine R. Gira said she isn't worried that some may view a Harry Potter class as trivial. "Irrespective of the specific title of the course, the 'magic' in the fiction is being analyzed by applying concepts of physics, chemistry, biology and engineering. This honors course creatively packages scientific principles in a contemporary way that will interest today's students," Gira said.
  9. Jason Mattera At CPAC, YouTube
  10. [4]