Der Stürmer

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Der Stürmer (alternate spelling: Der Stuermer; English: The striker) was an anti-Semitic propaganda newspaper in Nazi Germany. It was published by Julius Streicher from April 20, 1923. It showed typical National Socialist propaganda like the rape of non-Jewish women by Jews, or world conquest plans by Jews.

Coca-Cola advertising in Der Stürmer

In 1930s, the Coca-Cola Company’s German arm, Coca-Cola GmbH, placed an advert in the Nazi Party’s propaganda sheet, Der Stürmer, denying any Jewish connection. This was done by the company’s German chief Max Keith, after the Nazi HQ – ruling the country – cancelled their orders when a Bavarian spring-water bottler who was fed up with losing profits to growing Coca-Cola competitor, wrote to the Food and Agriculture Ministry in Berlin to opine that “it would be interesting to know whether Jewish capital is active in Coca-Cola GmbH.” After the war, the Coca-Cola Company was concerned by the implications of Coca-Cola GmbH working with the Nazi regime thus investigated Max Keith. The company investigators concluded he had rejected Nazi Party membership as a shortcut to official favour and allegedly had continued to act in the interests of his parent company after the branch being cut off from the US head office.[1]

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  1. James Hoare (28 Jan 2015). How Coca-Cola became Hitler’s drink of choice. History of War. Retrieved on 15 Dec 2018. “Sales tanked and the Nazi HQ cancelled their orders, forcing Keith to deny any Jewish connection in an advert placed in the Party’s propaganda sheet, Der Stuermer. This inspired headlines back home to cry “Coca-Cola Finances Hitler” – a slight blow to its all-American, super-patriotic image, but one that left little mark.”