Diabetes mellitus

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Importance of Diabetes diet.

Diabetes Mellitus refers to three types of a highly variable disorders with abnormalities in the ability to make and/or use the hormone insulin resulting in hyperglycemia and other metabolic derangements involving fat and protein. The three principle forms of the disease are Diabetes Mellitus Type I, formally known as Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus, type II, formally known as Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus, and type III (termed gestational diabetes), a form of the disease that arises during pregnancy. Diabetes mellitus is not to be confused with Diabetes Insipidus, which does not involve insulin or glucose.


  • Diabetes Mellitus Type I - Autoimmune destruction of either insulin itself, or more commonly the insulin secreting cells of the pancreas (beta cells). Patients require intramuscular injections of purified insulin.
  • Diabetes Mellitus Type II - The cells of the body are rendered unresponsive to normal insulin, either at the level of the receptor or downstream signaling events within the cell. This is also referred to as "insulin resistance" and is highly correlated to obesity.


Initial treatment for mild cases of Type II my include diet and exercise. More severe cases may require drugs such as Metformin and glipizide which are used to either assist in creating more insulin, or to aid the body in using the insulin present. There is a large range of drugs used to treat diabetes.

Chard, celery, spinach.

Extreme cases, where drugs are insufficient, may require injections of insulin. Insulin may also be used in cases where very accurate control of blood glucose levels are desired, such as when a diabetic requires an operation or treatment of an injury.

If you are interested in trying a natural treatment, be sure do so only under the close supervision of a qualified health professional.

Diet combined with exercise is the cornerstone of diabetes management according to a study from Duke University. A Low-Carb Diet Shown to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes. The results of another scientific study indicate that long term exercise plays an important role in the treatment of diabetes mellitus type 2 and may protect against the development of cardiovascular diseases. The metabolic effects of long term exercise in Type 2 Diabetes patients. (Department of Diabetes and Rheumatology, Wilhelminenspital, Vienna, Austria). For those who have no other complications, strength training is safe and can provide many benefits. [1]

You can balance your blood sugar in just 8 weeks – without drugs! Dr.Hyman. [2]

The Edam cheese, 0 Carb.

Evidence has been mounting that grapes have genuine benefits for heart health and diabetes. [3] [4] The researchers have concluded that vitamin C is a highly effective therapy for diabetics. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant and is of particular importance in the fight against free radical formation. [5] Study at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. [6] Vitamin C can protect from severe diabetes complications. [7]

Stevia was originally discovered in South America for it’s benefits in helping lower blood sugar in diabetics. Further studies have concluding that Stevia possesses anti-diabetic properties that help reduce blood pressure, control blood sugar levels and even improve the muscle tone and health of the heart. [8]


Population studies of societies that consume much of their calories from the saturated fats of coconut oil show that diabetes is very rare. [9]

We need a balance of soluble and insoluble fiber. But soluble fiber, in particular, has several major benefits for people with diabetes. By delaying stomach emptying, it slows the digestion of starches and sugars and thereby reduces blood glucose spikes. It also decreases the level of cholesterol in our blood, which reduces our risk of heart disease, the main complication of diabetes. Both of these types of fiber fill us up without adding calories. Fiber and Diabetes.

According to a recent study, lightly sweetened cranberries and the raw cranberries may help type 2 diabetics maintain better blood sugar and insulin levels. [10]

Liver and Diabetes

Radish, artichoke, tomato and onions.

The liver plays a central and crucial role in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism. Its normal functioning is essential for the maintenance of blood glucose levels and of a continued supply to organs that require a glucose energy source. [11]

Natural treatment for liver include: Grapes activate liver to glycogenic functions and bile secretions and is highly useful for all types of liver disorders. Grapes are one of the most valuable fruit that is known to revitalize our entire system. [12] There are foods that would also be especially helpful in supporting your liver's ability to detoxify chemicals like: lemon, onions, garlic, radish, artichoke and egg yolks. (We'd caution against overconsumption of egg yolks, however, due to their higher concentration of cholesterol and saturated fat. Two-to-four eggs per week would be a very reasonable amount for most persons); also broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, and Brussels sprouts. [13]


A diabetic may lose feeling in hands and feet because of nerve damage.

It is very important that feet be inspected and any cuts, scrapes or sores are treated promptly. Amputation of the foot is not uncommon where damage has occurred.

A Doctor or Nurse should do an inspection and test of the feet to see how much loss of feeling has occurred.

Diabetics also suffer from vision loss due to damage to blood vessels in the eye. A regular appointment with an Opthamologist is recommended.

Careful attention to blood glucose control is essential to continued good health.

Portion control and choice of foods to reduce spikes in blood glucose levels is desired. A blood test (A1C) is useful every 6 months to check on blood glucose control.

People with diabetes, both physical and emotional stress can take a greater toll on health... Anything upsetting like going through a breakup or being laid off is certainly emotionally draining. Being down with the flu or suffering from a urinary tract infection places physical stress on the body. It's generally these longer-term stressors that tax your system and have much more effect on blood sugar levels... Once you've pinpointed your stressors and notice which ones send your blood sugar levels soaring, you'll need to devise some ways to chill out. What helps keep stress under wraps? Anything that relaxes you like massages; take up yoga, meditation, or deep breathing. [14]

Religion and control of diabetes

See also: Atheism and diabetes

Medscape reported in 2017: "Religious beliefs can affect how diabetic patients and their spouses cope with the stress of diabetes, with positive attitudes resulting in good lifestyle habits that result in greater success with glycemic control for the diabetic spouse, new US research indicates.'[1]

The abstract for the 2011 medical journal article Does religious affiliation influence glycaemic control in primary care patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus? published in the journal Mental Health in Family Medicine indicates: "Those with higher religiosity amongst the Moslem population had significantly better glycaemic control. Patients who had church-going religions had better glycaemic control compared with those of other religions."[2]

External links

Natural diabetes treatment.
  • Religion Shapes Glucose Control in Marriages With Diabetes, Medscape, 2017
  • Does religious affiliation influence glycaemic control in primary care patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus?, Chew Boon How, MD MFam Med,corresponding author Khoo Ee Ming, MRCGP MD, and Chia Yook Chin, MBBS FRCP, Ment Health Fam Med. 2011 Mar; 8(1): 21–28. PMCID: PMC3134210, PMID: 22479289