Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), is a left-leaning buzz-phrase used to justify the racial or sexual exclusion of certain ethnicities/gender on the basis that said ethnicities/gender are not a part of a minority group. Benchmarking Race, Inclusion, and Diversity in Global Engagement (BRIDGE)[1] is the subversive toolset used to enact DEI[2], a list of policies whose effects include but are not limited to:

  • the removal of Gingers, people with red/red-aubern hair from various existing media including Video games and movies[3][4]
  • exclusion of asians from Universities, and other places of higher education and/or a restriction of grants based solely on the premise[5][6][7]
  • exclusion of caucasions from certain job industries, especially those related to film and advertising[8]
  • exclusion of males from formal discourse, on the basis of "toxicity"
  • new and "inclusive" gender-ambiguous "female" characters, whose creators have admitted were "toned down" to pander to transvestites[9]
  • companies removing and/or replacing out-spoken, innovative, consciously moral females with females who promote "the message"[10]
  • the creation of explicitly racist Wikipedia pages such as the one entitled "White Americans"[11]


Due to backlash, there has been a concerted effort to conceal DEI practices, which includes rephrasing the terminology used, as well as removing explicit DEI staff for the more subversive tactic of using BRIDGE across-board, i.e. the entire company from the bottom to the top is a DEI organ, propaganda machine. DEI has been used less prominently in education as "Promoting Respect for Inclusive Diversity in Education" (P.R.I.D.E.)[12].


See also