Last modified on February 26, 2017, at 01:15

First Stone Ministries

Reverend Stephen Black is the Executive Director of First Stone Ministries and an ex-homosexual.

First Stone Ministries is a non-profit, 501c3, Christian ministry based in Oklahoma City, OK, since 1976. First Stone is governed by a board of directors for financial integrity and ethical practices. First Stone Ministries was originally incorporated in Oklahoma as "The Fishers of Men" by Frank Rogers in 1976. Fishers of Men changed the name to "The First Stone Ministries, Inc." in 1983. First Stone Ministries is also a member ministry of Exodus International which was, until closing its doors in 2013, the largest network of agencies dedicated to the addressing the issues of homosexuality from a Christian perspective.[1][2]

First Stone Ministries is a discipleship pastoral care ministry offering support groups, literature, educational seminars and public speaking. This ministry specializes in helping people who struggle with unwanted same sex attractions, homosexuality and all forms of sexual and relational brokenness to finding freedom in Jesus Christ. First Stone Ministries is dedicated to the healing of the homosexual, and otherwise sexually-broken, and wounded. First Stone Ministries emphasizes ministering freedom through a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord. First Stone Ministries also serves the families of strugglers, and others individuals who are dealing with various other kinds of sexual and relational problems.[3] Reverend Stephen Black is the Executive Director of First Stone Ministries and an ex-homosexual.[4]

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