Humanistic psychology
Humanistic psychology emerged around the same time as the cognitive revolution and like cognitive psychology it was in large part a reaction to behavioral psychology. However, it took a very different direction and views itself as also a response to psychoanalytic psychology. Humanistic psychology attempted to embrace the human condition. It focuses on people as individuals, as a whole and not components and as a social creature that has values, expectations, choices and responsibilities.
One of the most well known examples of the humanistic paradigm is the work of Abraham Maslow and his concept of the Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow used his concept to describe psychological illness as emerging from the conflict between the idealized self and the perceived actual self. Carl Roger's work on client-centered therapy was also embraced by many humanistic psychologist.
Some researchers do use the humanistic paradigm, but most of this work focuses on case study and attempts to describe the human condition rather than a systematic study or the use of the scientific method.