Question evolution! campaign and the atheist/agnostic community
The atheist/agnostic community has been unable to satisfactorily answer the 15 questions for evolutionists which are the focus of the Question evolution! campaign.
Fan response to YouTube evolutionists and atheists
15 Questions Evolutionists STILL can't answer!
Internet atheists Thunderf00t and Matt Dillahunty inability to answer the 15 questions
On October 1, 2011, the popular video creator Shockofgod created a video mentioning the inability of YouTube atheists Thunderf00t and Matt Dillahunty to answer Creation Ministries International's list of 15 Questions for evolutionists which are the focus of the Question evolution! campaign. VIDEO Previously, Shockofgod challenged Thuderf00t to answer the 15 questions.
Inability of Reddit atheists to answer the 15 questions for evolutionists
In March of 2012, YouTube Christian Shockofgod invited Reddit atheists to answer the 15 questions for evolutionists and Reddit atheists were unable to satisfactorily answer the 15 questions and a live audio recording of their attempts was made:
Reddit atheists: 15 questions evolutionists hate: Live dialogue
Atheism, evolution and the Question evolution! campaign
A Question evolution! campaign blog posted an essay entitled Cutting off the air supply of atheism which indicated the best way to combat atheism is through preventive medicine and "The grassroots Question evolution! campaign can reach countless young people before evolutionists indoctrinate them in high school and college." (see: Cutting off the air supply of atheism ).[1]
Currently, global atheism is in decline in terms of its number of adherents and the rate of decline is expected to accelerate.[2] The Question evolution! campaign blog indicated that the Question evolution! campaign could further accelerate the decline of decline of atheism in the world plus accelerate conservative Christian influence in the United States which is increasing due to the higher birth rates of Christian/religious conservatives relative to their atheist/liberal Christianity counterparts.[3] Please see the article: Why are 2012 and 2020 key years for Christian creationists and pro-lifers?