Talk:Military-industrial complex

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Even FDR, before Ike, was concerned about "the potential for misplaced power" in a military industrial complex (years before Ike coined the term). This was the reason for FDR appointing Truman as his successor. Truman headed the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (before Joe McCarthy) and was investigating wasteful spending and fraud in defense contractors during WWII (one of the most famous cases is that of the Spruce Goose as the press dubbed it, and the subject of the Leonardo DiCaprio's film about the life of Howard Hughes, The Aviator).

To his credit, FDR had enough foresight before the war's end and his own personal demise, that bloated Pentagon spending would be the next big challenge Americans faced after the defeat of Nazism and Imperial Japan. What happened was, Truman betrayed his own instincts with passage of the National Security Act of 1947, which created the CIA and reorganized other government bureaus, creating the modern deep state.

The CIA went on to whack JFK shortly after Ike's warning, and Truman expressed regret he had ever allowed creating the CIA. RobSThe Truth. Just Putin It Out There 16:11, July 25, 2024 (EDT)