TalkOrigins Archive

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Jump to: navigation, search Archive is a formerly popular evolutionist website which has lost a significant amount of its web traffic.[1][2] The website sprang from which is a bot-moderated usenet group with a focus on the creation vs. evolution debate.

Although creationists never considered the TalkOrigins Archive to be an authoritative source and the scientists at the major creationist organizations ignored the website, it used to be cited often in online debates by evolutionists.

Commenting on the website's loss of web traffic, a supporter of Creation Ministries International's Question evolution! campaign quipped:

Stored under the right conditions, wine tastes better with the passage of time. Apparently, evolutionary speculation and evolutionary propaganda do not age well in the information age.[3]

Internet atheism and internet evolutionism have experienced significant declines in web visitors in recent years.[4] In addition, global atheism and agnosticism are losing adherents at present while global Christianity and biblical creationism are experiencing significant growth.

Creators of Talk.Origin archive articles did not necessarily have scientific credentials, nor was their work peer reviewed. It is used by promoters of evolutionary pseudoscience to advocate their antiquated religion. Michael Ruse, evolutionist science philosopher admitted, “Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it is true of evolution still today.”[5]

Web traffic of Talk.orgins Archive

From January 2015 to December 2019, saw a steep loss of Google referral traffic according to the online visibility and marketing analytics company SEMrush (commonly called organic traffic by web marketing professionals).

According to Google, "To give you the most useful information, Search algorithms look at many factors, including the words of your query, relevance and usability of pages, expertise of sources... To help ensure Search algorithms meet high standards of relevance and quality, we have a rigorous process that involves both live tests and thousands of trained external Search Quality Raters from around the world."[6]

Compete: TalkOrigins web traffic from 7/2011 to 7/2012

Talkoriginsorg uv.png

Criticisms of Talk Origins Archive

Creationists have a number of criticisms of the archive and a number of them can be found at the True.Origin Archive.[7] CreationWiki has a large amount of material asserting that the Archive material is errant.[8]

See also

Websites opposing TalkOrigins and other criticisms of Talk.Origins

External links


  1. TalkOrigins: Talk is cheap and evolutionist propaganda is stale and boring
  2. Did an attempt to revive EvoWiki's web traffic fail? Is Google Panda mauling EvoWiki, Talk.Origins and atheist websites?
  3. TalkOrigins: Talk is cheap and evolutionist propaganda is stale and boring
  4. Decline of internet atheism and evolutionism articles
  5. 15 questions for evolutionists
  6. How Search algorithms work