User:RobSmith/Simpilcius 12-23-23

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Here they give up the plot, getting to the heart of the entire matter. They outline what is in their mind the gravest threat of all: that Russia could single-handedly change America’s perception of itself, nay, change the very idea of what America is:

Altering America’s will is no small thing. America is an idea. America is a choice. America is a belief in the value of action. US domestic resilience and global power come in no small part from people and countries choosing the United States and from Americans preserving their agency to act with intent. An adversary learning how to alter these realities is an existential threat — especially when ideas are that adversary’s core weapon.

Ah, and now we get to the metaphysics of it all. You see, the sheep’s been shorn, baring its ass for all to see, and only the truly keen can glean the deep esoteric secrets revealed therein.

What they’ve just outlined goes beyond the bourne of any such paltry material matters of warfare and all things corporeal. In fact they’ve unveiled the very ontological essence of the Empire’s global hegemony, and it’s something that was coincidentally evoked earlier today in Andrei Martyanov’s blog,[1] which I happened to synchronistically pass over. His piece itself is thought-provoking and very good—which I recommend you read—however it’s the top comment which strikes at the heart of things like a paean:

I’ll reprint the evocatively-worded bottom portion for effect:

America the Myth floated along during all of this. It was a shared catechism of the American religion, but is becoming harder to swallow. We are becoming American Atheists and when the people stop believing in their own myths they perish.

Now let’s see Kagan and cohort’s exegesis one more time, side by side:

Altering America’s will is no small thing. America is an idea. America is a choice. America is a belief in the value of action. US domestic resilience and global power come in no small part from people and countries choosing the United States and from Americans preserving their agency to act with intent. An adversary learning how to alter these realities is an existential threat — especially when ideas are that adversary’s core weapon.

Ah….so there it is. You see, American power is enshrined in nothing more than a Myth of supremacy and entitlement, one itself cloaked in various euphemistic coys and vapory misdirections like “the rules based order.”

What the neocons have revealed here is the master key to everything: Russia stands to shatter the Myth, or rather the Grand Lie, which enshrines not the true America that once was, but the pedestaled neocon distortion of it—what it has become, the warped behemoth, the ungainly Leviathan thrashing the entire world with its spurred tail and noxious breath.

These freaks, which have co-opted the country and its foreign policy, have in fact turned America into nothing more than a shambling golem, one without clothes like its shadow emperor. They now fear nothing more than for Russia to shatter this displaced “idea”, this fraudulent, barnacled ‘dream’ which exists only in the blood-addled minds of the neocon usurpers. This would shatter the illusion once and for all, not only freeing the globe from the Leviathan’s grasp, but destroying the age old neocon pursuit.[2]

Note the very peculiar idiomatic use of: “alter these realities.” You see, to “alter” the neocons’ imposed surrogate reality is to destroy the beast once and for all, to amputate the stricken cancerous growth strangling the heart of what was once ‘America’. This is what they fear, and they’ve elocuted it as best they can, encoded in symbolism. The America they’ve concocted exists as a simulation in a matrix, and they fear Russia has found the key to unplugging their false construct-reality, awakening an entire generation to the actual truth: that the country and everything it ever stood for has been entirely hijacked by a criminal cabal.

Most of all, they’ve revealed that “America’s” power relies on a spell cast over its closest ally, the completely subjugated Homo Europaeus. Once Russia “shatters” this spell, it’s game over.

US domestic resilience and global power come in no small part from people and countries choosing the United States and from Americans preserving their agency to act with intent.

The ‘sacred’ idea of America distilled here is nothing more than an imperial illusion,[3] a web cast over the eyes of a European continent that’s been under total occupation since the end of WW2. What they’re saying, ultimately, is—there is no inherent sacredness to this manufactured ideal of theirs, but rather it’s an enforced illusion, that’s as brittle as chalk once people are awakened to it. And they believe Russia’s powers of awakening are an existential threat.

Dark stuff, I know. But this is why their tone is so evidently shrill and vexatious in this desperate report.

Russia has cornered the rats and they’re panicking.


  1. Is The United States A Supernova?, Reminiscence of the Future..., December 21, 2023.
  2. Russia declares war on the Straussians, by Thierry Meyssan, VOLTAIRE NETWORK | PARIS (FRANCE) | 5 MARCH 2022.
  3. Spain, Italy, France Decline US Command Of Red Sea Operation Prosperity Guardian, Reuters, December 22, 2023.
