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# [[Debate: How do conservatives view the Open Source movement and software?]]
# [[Debate: How do conservatives view the Open Source movement and software?]]
# [[Debate: At what point does "Human" life begin?]]
# [[Debate: At what point does "Human" life begin?]]
# [[Debate: Is The belief in the existence of God logical?]]
==Religious debates==
==Religious debates==

Revision as of 13:55, February 23, 2009

Debate topic suggestions, organized so that it's not necessary to delete them.

(Note: If some topic is miscategorized, it can be cut and pasted without affecting the relevant links.)

Philosophical debates

  1. Debate:Can Conservapedia become the next Wikipedia, is this good or bad
  2. Debate:If there is no objective truth, then is the claim "there is no objective truth" also not an objective truth?
  3. Does History Matter?
  4. Debate:Is a first cause of a process necessary, always possible, or sometimes impossible?
  5. Debate:Can Objectivism develop beyond Ayn Rand's original formulation?
  6. Debate:Can any man live without some code of morality?
  7. Debate:Does the universe include everything, or does something outside the universe exist?
  8. Debate:Why is there something rather than nothing?
  9. Embryonic Stem Cells: Why or why not?
  10. Debate:Why Reason?
  11. Debate:Why does the conservative media often an ugly undertone?
  12. Debate:Should pharmacists be forced to fill legal prescriptions they personally object to on moral grounds?
  13. Debate:What is the real love?
  14. Debate:who created God?
  15. Debate: Why have conservatives let themselves get a bad name?
  16. Debate: Is it possible for God to be timeless?
  17. Debate: Is it possible for man to live a moral life without religion?
  18. Debate: How do conservatives view the Open Source movement and software?
  19. Debate: At what point does "Human" life begin?

Religious debates

  1. Debate: Why do people believe the earth is less than 1000 years old given that there are recorded histories predating that?
  2. Debate: Should certain books be banned from libraries?
  3. Debate: Is communism founded on Christian doctrine?
  4. Debate:Should the first story of creation be read allegorically or literally?
  5. Debate:Is Scientology a false religion?
  6. Debate:Why do Moses, Ezra, Jesus, and Paul all disagree on divorce?
  7. Debate:Did Jesus ever claim to be God?
  8. Debate:Grave errors/inconsistencies in the Bible make literal translation worthless.
  9. Debate:Was Jesus born in the right time and place?
  10. Debate:What does Christianity say about homosexuality?
  11. Debate:If God does not exist, can anything be morally wrong?
  12. Debate:Is it wrong to have a Christmas tree?
  13. Debate:Did God create evil?
  14. Debate:Which Christian denomination is the most true to the central teachings of Christianity?
  15. Debate:If Jesus were alive to day, where on the political spectrum would he fall?
  16. Debate:Should Religion Play a Large Role in Modern Societies?
  17. Debate:Does the Bible (Old and the New Testament) have the infallible words of God?
  18. Debate:AntiSemitism
  19. Debate:Does Intelligent Design deny the Existence of God?
  20. Debate:Could God create a rock so heavy that he himself could not lift it?
  21. Debate:What is the relationship between religion and the human tendency to kill each other?
  22. Debate:Natural Disaster versus Act of God
  23. Debate:What is the Sabbath day?
  24. Debate:Is it possible to be a conservative and not a religious person or even an atheist?
  25. Debate:Why do we still perform Baptisms?
  26. Debate:Does the Resurrection negate Gods Sacrifice of his only son?
  27. Debate:If most Muslims learned their religion from their parents, just like us Christians, they will probably be hard to convert. So what can we do to save their souls?
  28. Debate:If most Christians learned their religion from their parents, just like us Muslims, they will probably be hard to convert. So what can we do to save their souls?
  29. Debate:Does mainstream Islam endorse violence?
  30. Debate:Is religion morally wrong?
  31. Debate:Does the Bible display poor ethics and morals?
  32. Debate:What makes the Bible a reliable source of knowledge besides tradition?
  33. Debate:Why should we be afraid of God?
  34. Debate:Do conservative Christians have an unquestioning faith which is comparable to that of the Party in the book 1984?
  35. Debate:Antisemitism
  36. Debate:Are Christianity and the Bible superior to other religions and scriptures?
  37. Debate:Is "Coercive Interrogation" consistent with Christian Values?
  38. Debate:Should all access to Conservapedia be banned on Sundays?
  39. Debate:Mary Magdalene - First Witness to the Resurrection - Significance?
  40. Debate:Was Christ a fundamentalist?
  41. Debate:Atheism vs. Deism
  42. Debate:Atheism vs. Pastafarianism
  43. Debate:Why is homosexuality so bad?
  44. Debate:Are Young Earth Creationists detracting others from the Faith?
  45. Debate:Would the Flood and Noah's Ark cause inbreeding?
  46. Debate:Is there 1 God or are there many gods?
  47. Debate: Can you be a true Christian and believe in evolution?
  48. Debate:Should gay marriage be allowed?
  49. Debate:Is atheism a religion?
  50. Debate: If not naturalism, how do we decide which supernatural explanation is correct?
  51. Debate: Are Catholics Christians?
  52. Debate: Do Atheist believe they have a soul?
  53. Debate:Were Judas' actions necessary and foreordained?
  54. Debate: Is it possible to voluntarily convert one's religion?
  55. Debate: Can Christianity exist without Apostles and Prophets?
  56. Debate: What do you think about the violence in the Bible?
  57. Debate: Could Christian denominations exist without the Catholic Church?
  58. Debate: Which version of the Bible should be used as the authoritative reference on Conservapedia?
  59. Debate: Should Christians celebrate Christmas?
  60. Debate:Either God is indecisive or the world's major religions have ALL got it wrong
  61. Debate:Creationist
  62. Debate:Did Joan of Arc truly hear voices?

Historical debates

  1. Debate:Was Benjamin Franklin a deist?
  2. Debate:Did racism play a role in the decision to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
  3. Debate:Was the European colonization of the Americas good for the native people?
  4. Debate:Was President George H. W. Bush wrong to leave Saddam in power in 1991?
  5. Debate:Which was worse? the Civil War and it's effects or slavery?
  6. Debate:Why are most actors turned politicians Republicans?
  7. Debate: Did the Founding Fathers intend to apply their personal faith to the nation "As an institution"?

Political debates

  1. Debate:Does Abstinence Only Education help or hurt us?
  2. Debate: Did the Founders have a religious motive?
  3. Debate: To what extent should we have obscenity laws
  4. Debate: Is communism founded on Christian doctrine?
  5. Debate:Why do we still have an embargo on Cuba?
  6. Debate:Has Britain Declined?
  7. Debate:Is illegal immigration control the answer to illegal immigration?
  8. Debate:Has Britain become the 51st State of the US?
  9. Debate:You think these Phd's are nuts?
  10. Debate:Does the European Union pose a threat to the United States?
  11. Debate:Which is true; progressive Liberal or regressive liberal
  12. Debate:Define torture
  13. Debate:Should the United States have entered World War I?
  14. Debate:Should the United States have entered World War II?
  15. Debate:Should the United States have eliminated communism in North Korea as General Douglas MacArthur wanted?
  16. Debate:Was the United States right to drop atomic bombs so quickly on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
  17. Debate:If President Roosevelt had known about the Pearl Harbor attack in advance, would it have been wrong for him to allow the attack in order to wake up the American public and motivate Americans to fight and win the war?
  18. Debate:Is gun-control the answer to crimes involving guns?
  19. Debate:Was world war inevitable?
  20. Debate:Does "free trade" increase wealth rather than simply redistribute it?
  21. Debate:Is it even possible to install democracy in a Muslim country?
  22. Debate:Is democracy even possible in Iraq?
  23. Debate:Should we have given the Panama Canal back to Panama?
  24. Debate:Should the United States leave the United Nations?
  25. Debate:Crusades... Good or Bad?
  26. Debate:Was American soldier Michael New right to refuse to fight wearing part of a United Nations uniform? See Michael New
  27. Debate:Which is a more powerful ideology, Islam or communism?
  28. Debate:Should the United States intervene in small countries to defeat communism there?
  29. Debate:Should public displays of the 10 Commandments be allowed under the constitution?
  30. Debate:Which has the best philosophy of education: the public school system, private schools, or the home school movement?
  31. Debate:Should people genetically engineer a cure for homosexuality?
  32. Debate:Should We Support Democrats For Life.org?
  33. Debate:Women in the Military?
  34. Debate:Should students learn a foreign language?
  35. Debate:Why does the right side of the political spectrum tend to be more religious?
  36. Debate:Should there be a consistent standard on human rights applied to left and right?
  37. Debate:Should American companies be allowed to send their own troops into a war which America is participating in?
  38. Debate:Giuliani's lack of social conservative viewpoints should not stop you from voting for him.
  39. Debate:Is President Bush good for America?
  40. Debate:Is the Iraq War a success?
  41. Debate:Does Single sex schooling promote homosexuality?
  42. Debate:Is the murder of 3,000 people just a few or is it a lot? Does it make a difference if the murdered people are Americans?
  43. Debate:Does the media really have a liberal bias?
  44. Debate:What kind of leader will Democrats make if they run from debates on Fox?
  45. Debate:Are the Democrats capable of fighting terrorism?
  46. Debate:Can a rogue nation be thought of as a sovereign nation?
  47. Debate:Has Russia reinstalled stealth communism?
  48. Debate:Do we all know what Democrat Presidential candidates stand for yet?
  49. Debate:Define Civil War
  50. Debate:Should gun sales to terror suspects be allowed?
  51. Debate:Is Darwinism liberal or is it conservative?
  52. Debate:Why did God place most of the world's oil in politically unstable places?
  53. Debate:Restoring the USA image in the world, just a fancy phrase that means zilch?
  54. Debate:Placing the blame on how America got polarized
  55. Debate:Is most government criticism really patriotic?
  56. Debate:Is environmentalism mostly about preserving natural resources?
  57. Debate:Is the conservative stance on illegal immigration going to loose the Hispanic vote for the GOP in the 08' election?
  58. Debate:Should President Bush Condemn Armenian Genocide?
  59. Debate:Third Party Debate
  60. Debate:Who kills more innocent people: religious believers or atheists?
  61. Debate:Was congress right to override president Bush's veto on the water projects bill?
  62. Debate:Preferred Democrat for the White House?
  63. Debate:Does Republican equal conservative? Does Democrat equal liberal?
  64. Debate:Obama's preacher.
  65. Debate:Is president Bush ignoring human rights violations in China?
  66. Debate:Should the United States begin Colonizing Space?
  67. Debate:Should the federal government have the power to define marriage?
  68. Debate:The Declaration of Independence or Interdependence?
  69. Debate:Should the U.S.A. abide by a withdrawal timetable if the Iraqi Parliament votes for one?
  70. Debate:Should U.S. troops be subject to Iraqi law if that allows our continued presence there?
  71. Debate:Should government restrictions on smoking be tightened or rolled back?
  72. Debate:Is Sarah Palin an asset or a liability to John McCain's candidacy?
  73. Debate:Is a candidate's military record relevant anymore?
  74. Debate:Should politicians be allowed to misspeak?
  75. Debate: What is sufficient proof that Obama is a Muslim?
  76. Debate:Is Obama a Muslim?
  77. Debate:Was McCain's threat to pull out of the debates a political stunt?
  78. Debate: Are Cantonese people a non-Chinese ethnic group?
  79. Debate:If Obama Was Conservative
  80. Debate:What level of Gun Control is appropriate?
  81. Debate:Is the Bush administration's Conscience Rule a step forward or backward for U.S. Healthcare?
  82. Debate: Why do political views appear to be correlated with others?
  83. Debate:What should be America's policy toward Islam?
  84. Debate:Is the American Occupation of the Hawaiian Islands justified?
  85. Debate:Was the American involvement in the Vietnam War justified?
  86. Debate:Was the North right to prevent Southern secession in the US Civil War?

Scientific debates

  1. Debate:If intelligent design is just as valid as evolution, where are all their scientific findings and publishings?
  2. Debate:Does Darwinian natural selection suggest that bigotry is a necessary self-defense mechanism?
  3. Debate:Does Darwinian natural selection suggest that homosexuality is bad for the survival of a species?
  4. Debate:Is Darwinian natural selection compatible with Marxism?
  5. Debate:Is the theory of macroevolution true?
  6. Debate:Is Giving Birth the Bible Way Better?
  7. Debate:Should Creationism/Intelligent design be taught as a scientific alternative to evolution in public schools?
  8. Debate:Is global warming evident, and if so, is this the fault of man, and how must man stop it?
  9. Debate:If the universe is young and it takes light millions of years to reach us from far off stars, how can we see them?
  10. Debate:God, Earth and Global Warming
  11. Is the evidence in favor of evolution convincing?
  12. Debate:If the Bible didn't contain a creation story, would anyone even consider the idea of a young earth?
  13. Debate:Is Relativity in direct conflict with the Genesis account?
  14. Debate:Who feels that scientific related articles should only reference published research papers instead of websites when dealing with research instead of application?
  15. Debate:If it could be unambiguously demonstrated that man is NOT the most evolved animal
  16. Debate:Why are God's works always questioned?
  17. Debate:Are there any elements of choice
  18. Debate:Listing the Earth's most pressing needs in urgent order of fixing
  19. Debate:Is homosexuality a mental illness?
  20. Debate:Can the science of evolution be separated from the philosophy of it?

Debates about Conservapedia

  1. Debate:Is Conservapedia representing a conservative POV or a Young Earth Creationist POV?
  2. Debate:Is Conservapedia anti-British?
  3. Debate:The liberal quotient of Conservapedia; what is it? Does it matter?
  4. Debate:Does bias impair Wikipedia's reliability?
  5. Debate:Should the term list entries be included in Conservapedia's entry count?
  6. Debate:How should Conservapedia work to avoid having a conservative bias?
  7. Debate:Can Conservapedia Succeed?
  8. Debate:Is Conservapedia fair and balanced?
  9. Debate:How can we protect Conservapedia by distinguishing real conservative encyclopedia articles from satires written by liberals?
  10. Debate:What exactly is Conservapedia?
  11. Debate:Was the media attention needed?
  12. Debate:Conservapedia Debate Topics full of far left liberal netroots
  13. Debate:Which is true; progressive Liberal or regressive liberal
  14. Debate:Where do you personally look for facts and information on topics "When did Brahms live" or "Why did Monet paint grainstacks?"
  15. Debate:Is it okay for Conservapedia to have biased articles?
  16. Debate:Who deletes entire discussion items from here? And why?
  17. Debate:Why do users, who contribute substantially, choose to leave this community?
  18. Debate:Is the use of copyrighted photographs without permission stealing?
  19. Debate:Are there too many debates on Conservapedia?
  20. Debate:Is it tasteless for Conservapedia to critique the Virginia Tech poem on the Main Page?
  21. Debate:Has anyone ever been been banned for pointing out that many of the other entries on this site are in need of citation and evidence to back up statements?
  22. Debate:Does an encyclopedia define complex subjects, or insert more bias into them?
  23. Debate:Do sysops block editing on pages when it seems their opponents are making strong points?
  24. Debate:Is Conservapedia a 'Trustworthy Encyclopedia'?
  25. Debate:Does altering the record of debate in a wiki 'Encyclopedia' render the entire thing a farce?
  26. Debate:Democrats next move, link more stories of heartache like those from Kansas to Gulf Coast.
  27. Debate:Do quotes used to support a theory just make an article look stupid?
  28. Is Conservapedia blinkered?
  29. Debate:Does Conservapedia censor opponents the way Expelled says ID advocates are censored?
  30. Debate:Is the Conservapedia Logo in violation of US Flag Code?
  31. Debate:The 90/10 rule exists soley to squash debate, and should be eliminated
  32. Debate:What will Conservapedia be like if Barack Obama wins the election?
  33. Debate:Which is more important, economic or social conservatism?

Funny, maybe?

  1. Debate:Are cats just useless Dogs
  2. Debate:Is the Platypus evidence that God has a sense of humour?
  3. Debate:Was the shooting at Virginia Tech somehow President Bush's fault?
  4. Debate:Are video games getting better or worse as graphics, sound, and gameplay complexity improve?
  5. Debate:Favorite old time radio show
  6. Debate: Does Harry Potter promote Satanic witchcraft?


  1. Debate:Are alcohol, marijuana, and nicotine gateway drugs?
  2. Debate:Is Rap music torture?
  3. Debate:Should marijuana be legalized?
  4. Debate:What are the lessons that we should take away from the Milgram Experiment
  5. Debate:Does the Theory of Evolution promote atheism?
  6. Debate:Mall Shootings
  7. Debate:Creationist
  8. Debate:Is the Theory of Evolution a conspiricy?
  9. Debate:How should we view the fact leading scientists do not believe in god?
  10. Debate:Does modern music negatively influence children
  11. Debate:Propaganda in childrens' television
  12. Debate:What Is Music?
  13. Debate:Why are there so few homosexual athletes