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*Ham is the Brainchild behind the [[Creation Museum]] and its [[Ark Encounter]] which, despite being derided by the Atheist community, have been very influential.
*Ham is the Brainchild behind the [[Creation Museum]] and its [[Ark Encounter]] which, despite being derided by the Atheist community, have been very influential.
Christian music gets very often mocked by Atheists, especially Rock, Metal, and Rap, since they think those genres should always be counter-culture and anti-establishment. Unfortunately, they fail to realize what mainstream culture actually is.
KJ-52 (Jonah Sorettino) is a white Christian Rapper who has made several notable songs that go against things accepted in Mainstream culture today:
*The song "Wait for You" promotes abstinence until marriage, in stock contrast to mainstream culture's promotion of promiscuity.
*"For the Ladies" contrasts the sexist, misogynist messages common in secular rap music.
==Notes and references==
==Notes and References==
==Notes and References==

Revision as of 22:28, May 23, 2018

There are many examples in which Christians, at different times in history, have opposed anti-biblical cultural practices, and have often suffered, and even been martyred for it. Despite liberal claims that the western world has long had "Christianity" as its mainstream culture, there have been many un-biblical cultural practices that have been accepted in mainstream western society. Satan is the Prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2) even in cultures inspired by Christendom. Also, understand that not all world cultures are inspired by Christendom.




Many of the prophets recorded in the Old Testament were persecuted for calling on Israel to follow God's commandments.


During his life on Earth, Jesus staunchly opposed many anti-biblical practices that were going on in the land of Judea:

  • Jesus gave very harsh words to the Pharisees who were corrupting Scripture such as: "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are." -Matthew 23:15

The Apostle Paul

Paul was one of the most significant authors of the New Testament. A Jew and a Roman Citizen, he once persecuted the Christians, but after repenting for his sins, became the most significant apostle of his time. Paul was imprisoned multiple times, and ultimately died in prison.

  • Paul had many letters to churches who had compromised biblical truth to conform to the cultures around them (Ephesians, 1 and 2 Corinthians, etc.), a practice that churches are still falling into today.

The Reformation

  • The Waldensians, Hussites, and early Protestants were all persecuted for diverging from Medieval Roman Catholic doctrines.

Martin Luther

Martin Luther was one of the most important leaders in Christian and German history. An Augustinian monk, priest, and professor of theology, he unintentionally launched the Protestant Reformation and founded the Lutheran Church.

  • Luther was the first to break Roman Catholic unity on a large scale, ignoring the Great Schism. He was excommunicated for the 95 Theses he had written in 1517 as a direct challenge to Church practice. Furthermore, he had the backing of several German princes who resented the Italian domination of the Church.
  • A tireless writer of tracts and hymns, Luther reshaped German religious culture by rejecting clerical celibacy and creating a new liturgy that emphasized congregational singing. His very popular hymns and his translation of the Bible into German helped to shape the German language.

Ulrich Zwingli

Ulrich Zwingli was the leader of the Protestant Reformation in Zürich, Switzerland and founder of Swiss Reformed Churches. Zwingli authored his 67 articles in response to abuses he found in the Catholic Church, and was a contemporary of Martin Luther.

  • Zwingli spoke out against the common and popular practice of selling mercenary soldiers to foreign countries.

Biblical creationists

In a world in which those in power in academia and the scientific world demand and force acceptance of Evolution, Biblical creationists have faced much derision and opposition from both non-Christians and compromising Christians.

Henry Morris

Henry Morris was a prominent young earth creationist, Christian apologist, scholar, and hydrologist. He is most notable in his role in the modern creation science movement, co-authoring The Genesis Flood and co-founding the Institute for Creation Research. Dr. Morris was the intellectual father of the modern creation science movement, and he also first coined the term "creation science".[1]

Ken Ham

Ken Ham is the founder and President of Answers in Genesis a Young Earth Creationist organization. He is frequently a target of derision by Atheists and compromising Christians

  • Ham is the Brainchild behind the Creation Museum and its Ark Encounter which, despite being derided by the Atheist community, have been very influential.


Christian music gets very often mocked by Atheists, especially Rock, Metal, and Rap, since they think those genres should always be counter-culture and anti-establishment. Unfortunately, they fail to realize what mainstream culture actually is.


KJ-52 (Jonah Sorettino) is a white Christian Rapper who has made several notable songs that go against things accepted in Mainstream culture today:

  • The song "Wait for You" promotes abstinence until marriage, in stock contrast to mainstream culture's promotion of promiscuity.
  • "For the Ladies" contrasts the sexist, misogynist messages common in secular rap music.

Notes and references

  1. Schudel, Matt (March 1, 2006). Henry Morris; Intellectual Father of 'Creation Science'. The Washington Post. Retrieved October 13, 2016.

Notes and References