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Light can refer to electomagnetic radiation of any wavelength, or to EM radiation of visible wavelengths [1] ; that stimulate the organs of sight, having for normal human vision wavelengths ranging from about 3900 to 7700 ångstroms (390 to 780 nm), violet has the shortest wavelength and red has the largest. It travels at the speed of light: about 186,300 miles (300,000 kilometres) per second.

EM radiation is a disturbance in an electric field, it consists of an energy particle called a "photon", a photon carries no electric charge and is massless, but since all energy is attracted by gravitation, light rays will bend near planets and stars.

Debate over whether light was a wave, or consists of particles was finally solved when quantum physics revealed all particles have wavelengths, but this is not generally noticeable in normal matter.

The EM spectrum consists of the following types of photon radiation (in order of increasing wavelength): microwaves, gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared light and radio waves.

The Michelson-Morley experiment proved that the speed of light (and everything else that is massless) will always be measured by an observer to be the same, in every frame of reference, no matter how fast the source or the observer are moving, this gives rise to the theory of relativity.

As with any wave. wavelength times frequency equals the speed of a light wave.

In the Biblical creation God created light on the first day; God said Let there be light, and there was light[2].

Young Earth Creationist View Regarding Starlight

In regards to the question of how one can see starlight from millions of light years away, young earth creationists scientists commonly mention two things. First, these scientists assert that the Big Bang Theory has a star light-travel time problem and cite the work of Dr. Charles W. Misner. [3] Secondly, creationist Barry Setterfield has proposed that the speed of light was faster in the past. [4] Thirdly, the work of young earth creationist scientist Dr. John Hartnett proposes an alternative, creationist view, by theorizing the Earth was trapped in a time-dilation field caused by extremely strong gravitation during the first few days of creation, from Earth's point of view, while billions of years passed for the rest of the universe. He attributes the field, it's removal and the continued balance in our solar system (after the field was removed) to divine intervention. [5]


  1. Wavelengths of EM spectrum [1]
  2. Genesis 1:3