Russell Humphreys

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Russell Humphreys is an American physicist and author, best known as a fearless proponent of a creationist cosmological model.

Personal history

Humphreys graduated from Duke University and was awarded his Ph.D in physics from Louisiana State University. He has worked for General Electric and Sandia National Laboratories in nuclear physics, where he received a patent and a science award. He presently works for Creation Ministries International, is an adjunct professor at The Institute for Creation Research, and a board member of both the Creation Research Society and the Creation Science Fellowship of New Mexico.

Cosmological model

Humphreys' book Starlight and Time presents a controversial cosmological model in which the Earth is several thousands of years old, but the outer edge of an expanding and rotating 3-dimensional universe is billions of years old, with various ages in between.

Humphreys' model attempts to circumvent the distant starlight problem, which is an apparent problem for most Young Earth creationism. To do this, he changes the Big Bang model and proposes that the universe began as a white hole, with distant galaxies emerging and beginning to age billions of years ago, relativistically speaking, but with less time passing for the Milky Way galaxy, and the young earth and solar system being only few thousand years old. The proposal is premised on gravitational time dilation, with time nearly stopped near the white hole event horizon, while time progresses outside the hole. Any remnant or evidence of the white hole, if it still exists, would be located within a few thousand light years of Earth

Humphreys emphasizes that the present day big-bang cosmology has all matter in a 4-dimensional universe (countering widespread misunderstanding of the big bang model as 3-dimensional). Humphreys criticizes the popular analogy in which the universe is imagined as the surface of an expanding balloon where nothing resides inside or outside; he believes this approach to the universe ignores data which demonstrates the Earth is near the center of the universe.

Creationists regard Humphreys' work as offering scientific support for the biblical origins account including divine Creation and other elements from the Genesis account.