Global atheism

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The global decline of atheism has occurred since 1970.[1][2][3] Using demographic data, the agnostic and British scholar has provided sound scholarship that the decline of global atheism will accelerate and affect Western World atheism.[4]

In 2012, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (GCTS) reported that globally every day there are 800 less atheists per day, 1,100 less non-religious (agnostic) people per day and 83,000 more people professing to be Christians per day.[5][6]

In 2011, the American Spectator declared concerning research published in the International Bulletin of Missionary Research:

The report estimates about 80,000 new Christians every day, 79,000 new Muslims every day, and 300 fewer atheists every day. These atheists are presumably disproportionately represented in the West, while religion is thriving in the Global South, where charismatic Christianity is exploding."[7]

In 2009, the book A sceptics guide to atheism indicated: "A worldwide poll taken in 1991 put the global figure for atheists at just 4.4% of the population. By 2006 it was estimated that only 2% of the world population were atheists."[8]

In 2012 an article entitled Atheism in decline by Nigel Tomes declared:

The IBMR publishes yearly figures for religions (and non religions) around the globe. Their latest numbers, hot off the press (Jan. 2012) show some interesting trends.

Atheism is in Decline

In 1970 atheists (those avowing there is no God) numbered 166 million worldwide; that was almost one-in-twenty—4.5% of the globe’s population. By 2012 atheists’ number is estimated at 137 million. That’s a decline of almost 30 million. Since world population is growing, atheists’ share declined to less than one-in-fifty—under 2% in 2012. Put differently, every 24 hours there are 800 fewer atheists in the world! Atheism is in decline.

Agnosticism is in Decline

In 2000 agnostics (those who “don’t know” if there is a God) numbered 666 million, 10.9% of the world’s people. By 2012 agnostic’s number is estimated at 661 million--a decline of 5 million. In relative terms by 2012 agnostics represent less than one tenth (9.4%) of world population. Every 24 hours there are 1,100 less agnostics in the world. Agnostics are also in decline.

Added together these two groups make up a declining share of global population. In 1970 atheists and agnostics accounted for one-in-five (19.2%) of the world’s people. Based on current trends by 2025 they will represent less than one-in-ten (9.7%). Their population share will fall by half in 50+ years.[9]

Michael Blume, a researcher at the University of Jena in Germany, wrote "Most societies or communities that have espoused atheistic beliefs have not survived more than a century."[10] Blume also indicated concerning concerning his research on this matter: "What I found was the complete lack of a single case of a secular population, community or movement that would just manage to retain replacement level."[11]

Decline of atheism in terms of global adherents is expected to accelerate

See also: Atheist Population and Resources for leaving atheism and becoming a Christian

The decline of global atheism is accelerating and it is expected to affect Western World atheism.[12][13]

Eric Kaufmann, a professor at Birkbeck, University of London, using a a wealth of demographic studies argues the decline of atheism in terms of itd global adherents is an established trend that will persist for the foreseeable future and the rate of decline will accelerate.[14][15][16][17] In addition, Kaufmann argues that religious conservatism has a long term trend of rising and that their influence in the world will significantly increase.[18] Kaufmann is author of the book Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth?.[19][20] In the Western World due to immigration and the higher birth rates of religious people, Kaufman writes: "Committed religious populations are growing in the West, and will reverse the march of secularism before 2050."[21]

In addition, currently the Western World population is aging in terms of its demographic makeup, particularly in secular Europe, and it has been found that belief in God grows as a person's death nears.[22][23]

For more information please see: Atheist population

Lack of sound leadership

See also: Atheism and leadership

Using academic studies, survey data and other information, supporters of the Question evolution! campaign maintain that there is a lack of sound leadership within the agnostic/atheist and evolutionist communities in dealing with the global decline of atheism and agnosticism.


Atheism and the internet

See also: Internet atheism and Atheistic bullying

During the period of 2007 to 2012, the atheist community made a concerted effort to spread atheism through means of the internet. However, leading atheist websites have seen plunges in web traffic during this same period and during the first half of 2012.[24]

In May of 2012, it was pointed out by supporters of Creation Ministries International's Question evolution! campaign that from a global internet perspective the public's interest in the views of the agnostic/weak atheist Richard Dawkins and the atheist PZ Myers and in atheism are on the decline while interest in Jesus and Christianity are on the upswing.[25]

For more information please see:

American secularism

See also: American atheism and Decline of American 1990s secularism

In 2008, the American Religious Identification Survey (ARIS) reported:

The 1990s was the decade when the “secular boom” occurred – each year 1.3 million more adult Americans joined the ranks of the Nones. Since 2001 the annual increase has halved to 660,000 a year...

Regarding belief in the divine, most Nones are neither atheists nor theists but rather agnostics and deists (59%) and perhaps best described as skeptics.[26]

The Birkbeck College, University of London professor Eric Kaufman wrote in his 2010 book Shall the Righteous Inherit the Earth? concerning America:

High evangelical fertility rates more than compensated for losses to liberal Protestant sects during the twentieth century. In recent decades, white secularism has surged, but Latino and Asian religious immigration has taken up the slack, keeping secularism at bay. Across denominations, the fertility advantage of religious fundamentalists of all colours is significant and growing. After 2020, their demographic weight will begin to tip the balance in the culture wars towards the conservative side, ramping up pressure on hot-button issues such as abortion. By the end of the century, three quarters of America may be pro-life. Their activism will leap over the borders of the 'Redeemer Nation' to evangelize the world. Already, the rise of the World Congress of Families has launched a global religious right, its arms stretching across the bloody lines of the War on Terror to embrace the entire Abrahamic family.[27]

2010 Global Atheist Convention

See also: Atheism and cowardice

In 2010, the prominent atheists who attended the 2010 global atheist conference, which included Richard Dawkins, were challenged to a debate by Creation Ministries International.[28] Richard Dawkins, PZ Myers and other prominent atheists refused to debate the creation scientists at Creation Ministries International.[29] Generally speaking, creation scientists tend to win the creation vs. evolution debates.

PZ Myers also refuses to debate Vox Day on the existence of God or concerning evolution [30]

Global atheism and male and female demographic imbalance

Surveys by country

In November of 2010, Discover Magazine published survey results published by the World Values Survey which showed significant differences between the percentage of men and women who are atheists for various countries.[31]

United States surveys

A 2008 study by Trinity College found that women are significantly more religious than men in America.[32] In 2007, the Pew Research Center found that American women were more religious than American men.[33]

See also


External links

Decline of Global atheism:

Videos Question Evolution! Campaign:



  1. Study: World is becoming more religious
  2. Globally the worldviews of atheism and non-religious (agnostic) are declining while global Christianity is exploding in adherents
  3. Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary - Status of Global Missions
  4. Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth?: Demography and Politics in the Twenty-First Century by Eric Kaufmann, Belfer Center, Harvard University/Birkbeck College, University of London
  5. Globally the worldviews of atheism and non-religious (agnostic) are declining while global Christianity is exploding in adherents
  6. Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary - Status of Global Missions
  7. Thriving Christianity
  8. A sceptics guide to atheism, page 4
  9. Globally the worldviews of atheism and non-religious (agnostic) are declining while global Christianity is exploding in adherents
  10. Atheist: A dying breed as nature favours faithful
  11. Atheist: A dying breed as nature favours faithful
  12. Why are the years 2012 and 2020 key years for Christian creationists and pro-lifers?
  13. Globally the worldviews of atheism and non-religious (agnostic) are declining while global Christianity is exploding in adherents
  14. Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth?: Demography and Politics in the Twenty-First Century by Eric Kaufmann, Belfer Center, Harvard University/Birkbeck College, University of London
  15. Eric Kaufmann: Shall The Religious Inherit The Earth?
  16. Eric Kaufmann's Atheist Demographic series
  17. Eric Kaufmann: Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth?, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
  18. Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth?: Demography and Politics in the Twenty-First Century by Eric Kaufmann, Belfer Center, Harvard University/Birkbeck College, University of London
  19. Shall the religious inherit the earth by David Kaufmann
  20. Early paper - Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth?: Demography and Politics in the Twenty-First Century by Eric Kaufmann, Belfer Center, Harvard University/Birkbeck College, University of London
  21. Early paper - Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth?: Demography and Politics in the Twenty-First Century by Eric Kaufmann, Belfer Center, Harvard University/Birkbeck College, University of London
  22. Belief in God grows as mortality nears, survey says
  23. [ The Demographic Winter and the Barren Left
  24. Internet atheism: The thrill is gone!
  25. Press: Americans Who Don’t Identify with a Religion No Longer a Fringe Group
  26. Why are 2012 and 2020 key years for Christian creationists and pro-lifers?
  29. Speaking of Assiduous Absconders
  30. Sex differences in global atheism, part N