I have been a contributor at Conservapedia since February 22, 2007. I was made a Conservapedia Administrator shortly after becoming an editor at the website. A short bio of me is given HERE.
I am an irrepressible optimist and realist who nearly always sees the bright side of things.
I hope you find the information on this page helpful and interesting. For example, read my series of articles at Achievement related articles that relate to the topic of achievement orientation.
If you wish to read some of my essays on Christianity/religion/irreligion; life in general; cultural/societal issues; and politics - along with some humor pieces, please go to User:Conservative's essays.
Read my essay at: The United States will be the leading power in the world for the foreseeable future
Check out my new blog at: Decline of Russia
Want to go to heaven?
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might." - Deuteronomy 6:5
"...if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation". - Romans 10:9-10 (NASB)
"‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will dine with him, and he with Me.'" - Revelation 3:20 (NASB)
"But now apart from the Law the righteousness of God has been manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe; for there is no distinction; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus; whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation in His blood through faith. This was to demonstrate His righteousness, because in the forbearance of God He passed over the sins previously committed; for the demonstration, I say, of His righteousness at the present time, so that He would be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus." - Romans 3:21-25 (NASB)
"But we must always give thanks to God for you, brothers and sisters beloved by the Lord, because God chose you as the first fruits for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and through belief in the truth." - 2 Thessalonians 2:13 (NRSV)
"...bear fruits in keeping with repentance." - Luke 3:8 (NASB)
"And why not say (as we are slanderously reported and as some claim that we say), “Let us do evil that good may come”? Their condemnation is just." - Romans 3:8 (NASB)
"Therefore He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them." - Hebrews 7:25 (NASB)
"When the disciples heard this, they were very astonished and said, “Then who can be saved?” And looking at them Jesus said to them, “With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” - Matthew 19:25-26 (NASB)
- 1 Want to go to heaven?
- 2 Christianity resources pages
- 3 Christianity and its beneficial effects on society and on individuals
- 4 Future of Christianity
- 5 A few of my favorite quotes
- 6 My favorite version of the Bible and a related resource
- 7 My favorite historians
- 8 Some of my favorite films
- 9 Favorite Christian blog
- 10 Some of my favorite songs (Especially the uplifting and upbeat songs)
- 11 One of my favorite videos related to personal/team achievement improvement
- 12 Favorite articles on improving one's performance in life
- 13 Thou shall think clearly and creatively. Thou shall not be illogical and be closeminded
- 14 User:Conservative's essays
- 15 About User: Conservative
- 16 My Conservapedia Civility Association membership
- 17 Notes
Christianity resources pages
Christianity and its beneficial effects on society and on individuals
See also: Christianity and social stability
In his article The Triumph of the Gospel of Love, Monk Themistocles (Adamopoulo) wrote:
“ | It is generally agreed by scholars and saints that the teaching of "love" and charity represent one of the essential dimensions of the Gospel of Jesus and the Gospel of Paul. Accordingly, from the extant words and parables of Jesus many concern themselves with the message of love. For example on the Sunday of Meat Fare, from the Gospel of Matthew, we hear Jesus identifying Himself and in solidarity with the destitute, the suffering, the rejected and the oppressed, calling for and rewarding altruistic philanthropy:
"... I was hungry and you fed me, when I was thirsty you gave me drink, when I was a stranger you took me in, when naked you clothed me, when I was ill you came to my help, when in prison you visited me ... I tell you this anything you did for one of my brothers here, however humble, you did it for me." (Matt 25:35-36, 40)... Christians undertook a great deal of almsgiving to the poor not only to fellow believers but to pagans as well. So amazed was the anti-Christian pagan emperor Julian the Apostate (361-363 AD), with the sheer benevolence and excellence of Christian philanthropy that he was forced to admit in wonder their superiority over paganism in matters of charity: "These godless Galileans (ie. Christians) feed not only their own poor but ours: our poor lack our care" (Ep. Sozom. 5:16).[2] |
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Philippians 2:1-2 declares, “If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.”
1 John 1:6-7 says, “If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.”[3]
In December 2003, the University of Warwick reported: "Dr. Stephen Joseph, from the University of Warwick, said: "Religious people seem to have a greater purpose in life, which is why they are happier. Looking at the research evidence, it seems that those who celebrate the Christian meaning of Christmas are on the whole likely to be happier."[4]
The ex-atheist C.S. Lewis became a Christian and wrote a book entitled Surprised by Joy.[5]
St. Basil of Caesarea founded the first hospital. Christian hospitals subsequently spread quickly throughout both the East and the West.[7]
The First Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. ordered the construction of a hospital for every cathedral town in the Roman Empire to care for the poor, sick, widows, and strangers. They were staffed and funded by religious orders and volunteers.[8]
The article "The Surprising Discovery About Those Colonialist, Proselytizing Missionaries" published in Christianity Today notes:
“ | In his fifth year of graduate school, Woodberry created a statistical model that could test the connection between missionary work and the health of nations. He and a few research assistants spent two years coding data and refining their methods. They hoped to compute the lasting effect of missionaries, on average, worldwide...
One morning, in a windowless, dusty computer lab lit by fluorescent bulbs, Woodberry ran the first big test. After he finished prepping the statistical program on his computer, he clicked "Enter" and then leaned forward to read the results. "I was shocked," says Woodberry. "It was like an atomic bomb. The impact of missions on global democracy was huge. I kept adding variables to the model—factors that people had been studying and writing about for the past 40 years—and they all got wiped out. It was amazing. I knew, then, I was on to something really important." Woodberry already had historical proof that missionaries had educated women and the poor, promoted widespread printing, led nationalist movements that empowered ordinary citizens, and fueled other key elements of democracy. Now the statistics were backing it up: Missionaries weren't just part of the picture. They were central to it... Areas where Protestant missionaries had a significant presence in the past are on average more economically developed today, with comparatively better health, lower infant mortality, lower corruption, greater literacy, higher educational attainment (especially for women), and more robust membership in nongovernmental associations. In short: Want a blossoming democracy today? The solution is simple—if you have a time machine: Send a 19th-century missionary." a conference presentation in 2002, Woodberry got a break. In the room sat Charles Harper Jr., then a vice president at the John Templeton Foundation, which was actively funding research on religion and social change. (Its grant recipients have included Christianity Today.) Three years later, Woodberry received half a million dollars from the foundation's Spiritual Capital Project, hired almost 50 research assistants, and set up a huge database project at the University of Texas, where he had taken a position in the sociology department. The team spent years amassing more statistical data and doing more historical analyses, further confirming his theory. ...Woodberry's historical and statistical work has finally captured glowing attention. A summation of his 14 years of research—published in 2012 in the American Political Science Review, the discipline's top journal—has won four major awards, including the prestigious Luebbert Article Award for best article in comparative politics. Its startling title: "The Missionary Roots of Liberal Democracy." ...over a dozen studies have confirmed Woodberry's findings. The growing body of research is beginning to change the way scholars, aid workers, and economists think about democracy and development.[9] |
” |
David Beidel wrote in his article The Bloodless Revolution: What We Need to Learn from John Wesley and the Great Awakening
“ | In the 18th Century, most of Europe was on fire. Bloody civil wars and revolutions were decimating nation after nation. Unrestrained injustice, government and Church corruption, slave trade and the oppression of the poor created a powder keg for violence. Miraculously, Great Britain escaped the horrors of civil war and the brutal savagery that revolutionary anarchy engenders.
Few ancient monarchies are still in place today. The mystery of the UK’s capacity to honor the old guard, while raising up a more democratic system without a revolution, is a sociological wonder. Many credit the Great Awakening, in particular the Methodist movement, launched by John Wesley, for this extraordinary and peaceful transition. Methodism unleashed an army of “little Christ’s” all over Europe. They cared for the poor, took in unwanted and abused children, fought unjust laws and labor conditions, visited prisoners, and battled against slavery; They joined hands with the Apostles and “turned the world upside down.” Eventually compassion became fashionable... America is in desperate need of a Christ-infused revolution of compassion. We are a land of churches, who are well positioned to hear and answer the cries of our struggling communities. If a critical mass of congregations committed themselves to radically sharing the Gospel and passionately serving under-resourced/at-risk communities, we will see peace powerfully rise in these times of trouble. This will also enable, as in the days of John Wesley, wise reformation to take place because the true Christian Church is theologically hardwired to bring about peaceful, meaningful change that benefits all. I have written much about this in my book, Samaria, The Great Omission, and treasure every opportunity to strategize with churches who have a heart to minister in this way. Let us stand in the gap as cultural/community peacemakers and healers in this season of sorrow and division. May our magnificent obsession be Jesus, the everlasting, ever loving, rescuer of the oppressed and Father of all.[10] |
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The Catholic areas of Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and Monaco are among the top geographic areas when it comes to the most productive countries per capita income. The wealthy country of Switzerland is 32% Catholic and 20% Swiss Protestantism in 2022 (See: Cultural characteristics of the most productive countries per capita)
The Harvard University historian Niall Ferguson declared: "Through a mixture of hard work and thrift the Protestant societies of the North and West Atlantic achieved the most rapid economic growth in history."[11]
Future of Christianity
See also: Future of Christianity
The prominent historian Sir Diarmaid MacCulloch, professor of the History of the Church at Oxford University, indicates that he believes Christianity faces a "bright future" worldwide (See also: Global Christianity).
According to MacCulloch, "Christianity, the world's largest religion, is rapidly expanding – by all indications, its future is very bright."[14]
In 2012, the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (GCTS) reported that every day there are 83,000 more people professing to be Christians per day, 800 less atheists per day, 1,100 less non-religious (agnostic) people per day.[15][16]
Phillip Jenkins published the book The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity.
Chuck Colson, citing the work of Jenkins, writes:
“ | As Penn State professor Philip Jenkins writes in The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity, predictions like Huntingtons betray an ignorance of the explosive growth of Christianity outside of the West.
For instance, in 1900, there were approximately 10 million Christians in Africa. By 2000, there were 360 million. By 2025, conservative estimates see that number rising to 633 million. Those same estimates put the number of Christians in Latin America in 2025 at 640 million and in Asia at 460 million. According to Jenkins, the percentage of the worlds population that is, at least by name, Christian will be roughly the same in 2050 as it was in 1900. By the middle of this century, there will be three billion Christians in the world -- one and a half times the number of Muslims. In fact, by 2050 there will be nearly as many Pentecostal Christians in the world as there are Muslims today.[17] |
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A few of my favorite quotes
"Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things. They then do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. Therefore I run in such a way, as not without aim; I box in such a way, as not beating the air; but I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified." - Apostle Paul, 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (NASB)
"Last of all, as to one untimely born, he appeared also to me. For I am the least of the apostles, unfit to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me has not been in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them - though it was not I but the grace of God that is with me." - Apostle Paul, the hardest working apostle of Jesus Christ, 1 Corinthians 15: 8-10 (NRSV)
"You want to make sacrifices for the unknown." - Coach Herb Brooks
“Discipline is choosing between what you want now, and what you want most.” - Abraham Lincoln
"The strength or weakness of a society depends more on the level of its spiritual life than on its level of industrialization. Neither a market economy nor even general abundance constitutes the crowning achievement of human life. If a nation's spiritual energies have been exhausted, it will not be saved from collapse by the most perfect government structure or by any industrial development. A tree with a rotten core cannot stand." - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
"Everyone holds his fortune in his own hands, like a sculptor the raw material he will fashion into a figure. But it’s the same with that type of artistic activity as with all others: We are merely born with the capability to do it. The skill to mold the material into what we want must be learned and attentively cultivated." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” - Michelangelo
“The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.” ― Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (Molière), French playwright, actor, and poet
“Victory comes from finding opportunities in problems.” - Sun Tzu
“You show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future.” - John Wooden, American basketball coach
"The better you are at surrounding yourself with people of high potential, the greater your chance for success." - John Maxwell, Author
“Most people fail in life not because they aim too high and miss, but because they aim too low and hit.” - Les Brown, Motivational speaker
"They had to reinvent themselves a lot...They had to have a great personal attitude. They were well rounded players that could adapt to a whole new style of play...They're really tough psychologically. They were hard bitten tough people and that could be pulled and at times pushed, but mostly pulled. And understood that great do it again. They had tremendous resiliency. They were tough, tough young people. - Coach Herb Brooks U.S. Olympic team that beat the Soviets
"You can't be common, the common man goes nowhere; you have to be uncommon." - Coach Herb Brooks
"The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker, Austrian-American management consultant, educator, and author
"Drucker taught that if you continue to do what made you successful in the past, you will eventually fail. This has been true in all times and in every field— including not only business, but war, politics and even in your personal life. Companies, industries, countries and even individuals that fail to understand this single principle litter history." - William A. Cohen, Retired Major General and author
"In war there is no substitute for victory." - General Douglas MacArthur (One of the great military strategists in World War II, and responsible for governing and rebuilding Japan during the Allied occupation).
"There is no security on this earth; there is only opportunity." - General Douglas MacArthur
"Champions are famous for concentrating their energy and efforts on what they want and blocking out anything or anyone who threatens that focus. While average people haphazardly pursue loosely defined goals, champions concentrate on the attainment of a singular purpose with an intensity that borders on obsession. World-class performers invest an inordinate amount of time and energy in selecting their major goals . While the masses consider making changes every New Year’s Eve, the goal setting and planning process is an everyday habit of champions. When the goals are set, champions put mental blinders on and move forward with dogged persistence and ferocious tenacity. World-class performers create such an intense level of concentration to overcome challenges and achieve goals that it is the last thing they think about before they fall asleep, and the first thing that hits them when they wake up. The great ones dream about their goals so frequently that they often keep pen and paper on the nightstand so they can quickly record any ideas or solutions that come to them in the middle of the night. While average people see world - class performers’ successes as a matter of intelligence or luck, champions know sustained concentration of thought and action is usually the true key to their success." - Steve Siebold, 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class.
"If you want it like you want to breathe. If you want it like you say you want it, you can have it. If you are willing to persevere, if you are willing to fight for it, there is nothing you can't have if you are willing to work for it. You might be smarter. You might come from privilege. But you will not outwork me! If you want to be successful in life, you have to understand that there is a sense of urgency. You have to do things faster than your competitors. There are some guys who are at a whole different level. You have to separate yourself. I dare you to leave everything on the field. Get tired of losing. There is greatness in you. You can reach your full potential. Be what you were called to be. Do what you were called to do. Listen to me. Do not fear. I need you to understand. that you can have it, but it is going to be a fight. But if you are willing to fight, there is going to come victory." - Eric Thomas, Author, speaker, educator and pastor[18]
"Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don't wish it were easier; wish you were better." - Jim Rohn
"Because the legs feed the wolf, gentlemen. I can't promise you we'll be the best team at Lake Placid next February, but we will be the best conditioned. That I can promise you." - 2004 movie Miracle, Coach Herb Brooks (Coach Brooks was as famous for his colorful command of language as he was for his coaching style. These are a few "Brooksisms" as remembered by his players. They were compiled on the Herb Brooks Foundation website).[19][20]
"I'm really amazed how well-conditioned this team is. I've never seen the Soviets outskated this late in the game. And that is exactly what the U.S. team is doing right now." - Former Montreal Canadiens goaltender Ken Dryden at the 1980 Lake Placid Winter Olympic Games serving as a sports announcer for ABC News
"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting." - Sun Tzu
"Indeed, if thou hurteth in thy efforts and thou suffer painful dings, then thou art doing it right." - Richard Marcinko, Leadership Secrets of the Rogue Warrior[21][22][23]
"Thou hast not to like it - thou hast just to do it." - Richard Marcinko, Leadership Secrets of the Rogue Warrior
“Time = life; therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life.” - Alan Lakein
"Speed is the essence of war. Take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness; travel by unexpected routes and strike him where he has taken no precautions." - Sun Tzu
"Do not repeat the tactics which have gained you one victory, but let your methods be regulated by the infinite variety of circumstances." - Sun Tzu
"No rational argument will have a rational effect on a man who does not want to adopt a rational attitude." - Karl Popper
"The less you respond to negative people, the more powerful your life will become.” – Robert E. Baine, American pastor and businessman
"It is a great folly to hope that other men will harmonize with us; I have never hoped this. I have always regarded each man as an independent individual, whom I endeavored to understand with all his peculiarities, but from whom I desired no further sympathy. In this way have I been enabled to converse with every man, and thus alone is produced the knowledge of various characters and the dexterity necessary for the conduct of life." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"Never retreat. Never explain. Get it done and let them howl." - Benjamin Jowett, English tutor and administrative reformer at the University of Oxford, a theologian, and Anglican cleric
"I'd like to say to all my fans out there, thanks for the support. And to all my doubters, thank you very much because you guys have also pushed me." - Usain Bolt, the greatest sprinter of all time[24]
"Though they may hate me, I will force them to esteem me as well." - John Paul Jones
"I don't think limits." - Usain Bolt
"It's always a wake-up call to get beaten." - Usain Bolt
"I don't put myself under pressure." - Usain Bolt
"You can get beat any day." - Usain Bolt
"My hunger is always there." - Usain Bolt
"Though the mills of God grind slowly; Yet they grind exceeding small; Though with patience He stands waiting, With exactness grinds He all." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
"It’s a refusal to accept that the problem as framed cannot be solved, a pattern of error that stems from obsession and a readiness to go to extraordinary lengths to satisfy that obsession, even as satisfaction remains elusive. Dictionary definitions of a fanatic refer to someone with extreme beliefs that lead them to behave in unreasonable ways." - Lawrence Freedman, Emeritus professor of war studies at King's College London
"It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future." - Yogi Berra
- New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
Memorizing the Bible
See also: Bible memorization
- How to Memorize the Bible: (Illustrated) by William Evans (Free versions of How to Memorize the Bible by William Evans)
My favorite historians
Fernand Braudel and the Annals school of history:
- Annales school of history: "Annales school, School of history. Established by Lucien Febvre (1878–1956) and Marc Bloch (1886–1944), its roots were in the journal Annales: économies, sociétés, civilisations, Febvre’s reconstituted version of a journal he had earlier formed with Marc Bloch. Under Fernand Braudel’s direction the Annales school promoted a new form of history, replacing the study of leaders with the lives of ordinary people and replacing examination of politics, diplomacy, and wars with inquiries into climate, demography, agriculture, commerce, technology, transportation, and communication, as well as social groups and mentalities. While aiming at a “total history,” it also yielded dazzling microstudies of villages and regions. Its international influence on historiography has been enormous."
Some of my favorite films
- The Jesus Film, 1979
- Moses: The Lawgiver, 1974, 6-hour Italian/British television miniseries filmed in 1973/74 and starring Burt Lancaster as Moses.
- China Cry, 1990
- Miracle, 2004 (Favorite scene in the movie, Miracle Board Room Interview)
- Coming Out of the Ice, 1982
- It's a Wonderful Life, 1946
Favorite Christian blog
Some of my favorite songs (Especially the uplifting and upbeat songs)
See also: Optimism and Positive thinking and Motivation and Self-motivation and Other motivational material
and Quotes about victory and Inspirational quotes
- Handel's Messiah - Hallelujah chorus - playlist
- Why do the nations so furiously rage? - playlist
- I need to go faster, Tribute to Usain Bolt
Upbeat music:
Christian music
Christian songs from around the world
Various types of music
Classical music
Music from around the world
See also: Achievement orientation and Achievement related articles
- Charles A. Garfield and Peak Performance (1985) by Charles A. Garfield (Related to insights gathered from the Apollo 11 mission)
Favorite articles on improving one's performance in life
Thou shall think clearly and creatively. Thou shall not be illogical and be closeminded
See also: Critical thinking and Creativity and Openness and Increasing cognitive performance
Jesus said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind."
A mind is a terrible thing to waste!
Favorite book on critical thinking
- The Thinker's Way by John Chaffee, Ph.D., Little, Brown and Company; First Edition (October 1, 1998)
Favorite website dealing with thinking, critical thinking and logical fallacies
Logical fallacies
- Creativity
- Creative problem solving
- Openness
- Creativity and innovation websites
- Creative thinking tools
- Creativity articles/resources
- Books on creativity
Cognitive distortions/biases
- The Santa Problem by Seth Godin
User:Conservative's essays
User: Conservative's Christianity essays
- The keys to spiritual growth
- Christianity and its margin of victory over atheism
- The cherry atop the glorious sundae of the Christian victory the atheist movement
- Why the future of Christianity in the USA is bright
- Jesus compared to Niccolò Machiavelli
- Predictions on the Future of Christianity/religion in the USA: Eric Kaufmann vs. Pew Research
- The Dakotas, the USA states with the highest percentage of Lutherans, are the most pro-life states in the USA
- Why Russia's religious persecution of Russian Protestants is not good for Russia
- Dark Triad personality, toxic personality or demon possessed?
User: Conservative's general essays and articles about life
- Quantifying a winning mindset
- The power of strong and good friendships
- The power of upgrading your social network and reading excellent works
- Surround yourself with spiritually and morally strong people who are reasonable. Flee immoral, unreasonable losers
- Cut toxic people out of your life and replace them with edifying achievers who inspire you
- Avoid people who are negative, angry, bitter, and unhappy "wet blankets"
- The power of ignoring toxic people
- Avoid people who are negative, angry, bitter, and unhappy "wet blankets"
- Toxic gamma males. Keep them out of your life and organizations
- Ultimately, losers never win
- Dirty cowards who throw punches and runaway are not real men
- Why do so many people complain about narcissists?
- 12 things narcissists hate that make them so irritating to so many people
- Why narcissists are terrible forecasters who can't improve their forecasting ability (Explains the shortsightedness of narcissists)
- Don't pine for a problem-free life or for "problem child" people to be gone from your life
- The problem with leaders or managers following the advice of Niccolò Machiavelli
- Don't believe all the political news "facts" and predictions you read on the internet and see on the news
User: Conservative's political essays
User: Conservative's essays on cultural, societal and economic issues
See also: User: Conservative's essays on cultural and societal issues
User: Conservative's international politics/relations essays
General international politics essays
- Why wars and hyper-militarism often make a country weaker
- The myth of multipolarity. What do the terms unipolar, bipolar and multipolar mean as far as international relations?
- The so-called multipolar world is often mere Chinese propaganda and public relations
- Why did so many self-declared international relations experts miserably fail concerning their multipolar fantasy?
- What drives Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin?
- Why has the West been so successful?
- Why the corrupt, authoritarian regimes of China and Russia are losing their long term competitive edge relative to the USA
- Slow and steady growth over the long term via capitalism and the rule of law versus short-sighted authoritarian economic growth that is costly to the long term economy
- December 2021 was a pivotal moment in the future of global politics for decades to come
- American and Western triumphalism or a realistic appraisal of world affairs?
- Attention anti-American hyper Russophiles/Sinophiles. Time is not on your side
- The 2023 BRICS Summit was a bunch of hoopla. We still don't live in a multipolar world.
- The wreck of the HMS Multipolar World Fantasy - Humor
- The anti-Christianity Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin and Xi Jinping have opposed homosexuality so this isn't a very high moral bar for China and Russia to clear
The United States
- The United States will be the leading power in the world for the foreseeable future
- The USA has one of the highest labor productivity rates in the world - significantly higher than both China and Russia
- The USA is more innovative and productive than China and Russia
- Why the USA's per capita income is MUCH higher than Russia's
- Why the USA's per capita income is MUCH higher than China's
- Business is more powerful than military might. All REAL Americans know this!
- The strength of the United States military
- The terrible track record of forecasters predicting rapid de-dollarization and/or the imminent demise of the U.S. dollar
- Is the USA an economic powerhouse and juggernaut?
- Size of a working age population in a country and its correlation with national GNP in advanced economies. The ability of the United States to attract some of the best and brightest workers in the world
- Top 12 reasons why people are flocking to the USA and leaving the corrupt, authoritarian countries of China and Russia
- Isolationalism is growing in the United States. Is this a good thing?
- The USA is outproducing Russia and Saudi Arabia in oil production. The best is yet to come
- The USA can reduce its national debt. It has done it before
- The citizens of the United States are happier than the citizens of Russia and China. USA! USA! USA!
- The U.S. Navy is the most powerful navy in the world
- Gold reserves by country. The USA is still golden!
- The genius of the founding fathers of the United States, happiness and labor productivity
- Why I am glad that Conservapedia has an American flag in its logo rather than a Chinese or Russian flag
- The USA will become bigger, better and stronger than ever before! Russia and China will not! USA! USA! USA! - Humor
- Attention all hyper Sinophiles/Russophiles. The USA being better than China and Russia is an incredibly low bar for Americans to jump over!
- We Made History: Citizens of 35 Countries Overestimate Their Role in World History (Covers the notion of Russian exceptionalism)
Check out my blog at: Decline of Russia
- The Russian Army compared to the Israeli army. Why is the Israeli army so outstanding?
- Israel's efficient mobilization of soldiers vs. Russia's far less efficient mobilization of soldiers related to the war in Ukraine
War in Ukraine
Give me liberty, or give me death!
Humor pieces
See also: Humor pieces I wrote
- Humor pieces I wrote
- Comedy and satires concerning atheism and evolution
- Donald Trump's glorious victories
- Mr. Leftist, the rich aren't going to bail you out. Get off your butt! And marry before you have sex! Godspeed.
- Liberals are pantywaists. They have a weak ideology. They will be defeated.
- The future of machismo in the 21st century
- Switzerland, Britain, road maintenance skills, economics, evolutionism, creation science and yodeling
- The USA will become bigger, better and stronger than ever before! Russia and China will not! USA! USA! USA!
- Xi and Vlad, U can't touch this! Break it down! Stop. Hammer time
- On behalf of all Christians who are politically right-leaning, I hereby declare victory! Olé! Olé! Olé!
About User: Conservative
The User:Conservative account has contributed the majority of content to the popular atheism, evolution, homosexuality related articles. In addition, he wrote the majority of Conservapedia's achievement orientation and business related articles. User: Conservative's work has been cited/quoted/referred to by the Los Angeles Times, USA Today, The Chicago Tribune, The Telegraph, The Tampa Tribune, Concerned Women for America, CRU, WorldNetDaily, Shockofgod, Penn Jillette, PZ Myers, Kyle Kulinski and Lewis Black. The PNN News and Ministry Network produced a video entitled Viral article deals major blow to atheism. The book Atheist Persona: Causes and Consequences by John J. Pasquini, Th.D, cites Conservapedia's Causes of atheism article several times.[33]
My favorite Conservapedia essay that I composed is at: The keys to spiritual growth.
My role models (Heroes):
- Apostle Paul
- C.S. Lewis
- Josh McDowell
- Walt Wilson, founder of Global Media Outreach
- Dwight L. Moody
- Michael Marshall (C.S. Lewis Institute) and Michael Marshall Memorial Benefit Seminar Coming This Fall
- Douglas MacArthur
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- ↑ The Triumph of the Gospel of Love by Monk Themistocles (Adamopoulo)
- ↑ The Triumph of the Gospel of Love by Monk Themistocles (Adamopoulo)
- ↑ What is koinonia?
- ↑ University of Warwick (December 2003). "Psychology researcher [Dr. Stephen Joseph] says spiritual meaning of Christmas brings more happiness than materialism". Scienceblog. Retrieved on July 24, 2014.
- ↑ Suprised by Joy, C.S. Lewis Documentary
- ↑ The Christian origin of hospitals
- ↑ The Christian origin of hospitals
- ↑ Hospitals - A historical perspective
- ↑ Christianity Today, "The surprising discovery about those colonialist, proselytizing missionaries", January 8, 2014
- ↑ The Bloodless Revolution: What We Need to Learn from John Wesley and the Great Awakening by David Beidel
- ↑ The Protestant Work Ethic: Alive & Well…In China By Hugh Whelchel on September 24, 2012
- ↑ The Protestant Work Ethic: Alive & Well…In China By Hugh Whelchel on September 24, 2012
- ↑ Historian predicts 'bright future' for Christianity
- ↑ Historian predicts 'bright future' for Christianity
- ↑ Globally the worldviews of atheism and non-religious (agnostic) are declining while global Christianity is exploding in adherents
- ↑ Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary - Status of Global Missions
- ↑ How Christianity is Growing Around the World by Chuck Colson
- ↑ Believe In Your Victory (Motivation)
- ↑ Herb Brooks quotes
- ↑ Herb Brooks: Miracle Man
- ↑ Discovering the secrets of leadership success: Comparing commercial and academic preoccupations
- ↑ The Rogue Warrior's Ten Commandments
- ↑ Ten Commandments Of SpecWar by Richard Marcinko
- ↑ Usain Bolt quotes, Brainy quotes
- ↑ The Art of the Leader by William A. Cohen, Prentice Hall Direct (January 1, 1990)
- ↑ Douglas MacArthur
- ↑ George Washington as a military leader
- ↑ Chuck Norris quote, Quote Fancy website
- ↑ The Bible is the best selling book of all time, Guinness Book of Word Record
- ↑ King of Gospel crown for Lester Lewis - Artiste says he’s shunned in Jamaica by Cecelia Campbell-Livingston, The Gleaner, September 23, 2019
- ↑ Changing of the guards in Russia at the Kremlin, 2006
- ↑ 'A Weapon All Fighters Love' | Lord Of War
- ↑ Atheist Persona: Causes and Consequences by John J. Pasquini, Th.D,