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A Venn diagram picturing the traditional definition of knowledge as justified true belief (That is represented by the yellow circle).

This Conservapedia entry focuses on the concept of truth relating to God and society; for the definition as a philosophical and logical term, see Truth (logic).

Truth is one of the fundamental building blocks of reality. One could probably say that without truth, nothing could exist. In fact, not only is truth a fundamental building block of reality, but it is also a central character trait and attribute of the one who is in control of all things, namely God himself. Jesus Christ, the second Person of the triune God, proclaimed about himself in John 14:6, "...I am the way, and the truth, and the life...". From that verse and others, we can conclude that truth is not something external to God himself, but is rather something that is inextricably joined and a part of His Being.

Conservatives value truth, and wish to seek it.

Truth as a Value

Truth can be considered to be a morally desirable trait in a person, since it is the antithesis of "undesirable" traits such as deceit or corruption. Christians in particular uphold Truth as a desirable value, since it is something taught by the Bible, and Jesus himself. As a rule, liberals do not hold Truth (in the absolute sense) to be an important value. They believe that truth is subjective, and everyone can freely decide on his own version of truth, see moral relativism or nihilism, also phenomenology and epistemology.

Importance of truth


Many opponents of truth have arisen over the course of human history, such as Communist China, Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany, and The Obama Administration, and, by extension, Barack Hussein Obama. Such enemies typically advocate the wide use of censorship. Incidentally, many liberals also advocate the use of censorship in the form of political correctness, e.g. refusing to describe someone as crippled or as spastic when they plainly are, out of some misguided notion of politeness. Former Vice President and notorious liberal Al Gore made several untruthful claims in his documentary An Inconvenient Truth. Many liberals mock Truth by coining terms like "truthiness" (a creation of liberal talk show host and "comedian" Stephen Colbert) to deride the real nature of truth.

Liberals don't understand truth on a very basic level. They assume that truth is something intrinsic to the Universe, but in fact, it is intrinsic to God. Without God, there is no truth. Without truth, there is no morality. Without morality, you can do whatever you want. This is the basis of Liberalism and it explains why Liberals feel the desire to mock truth.

Leo Tolstoy on lying to oneself and its consequences on one's ability to discern truth

“Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.” - Fyodor Dostoevsky

See also


External links