Conservative of the Year 2015

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Please add nominations:

Tentative Rank Name Achievements Comments
2 Roy Moore Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court who stood up for state sovereignty and judicial supremacy over marriage. Justices Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia dissented from the denial of cert by the U.S. Supreme Court.
3 Sam Brownback the Governor of Kansas issued an executive order rescinding special entitlements previously granted for the homosexual agenda
4 Andrzej Duda Member of the conservative party "Law and Justice", won the presidential elections of Poland in 2015
5 Donald Trump for his courageous conservative advocacy as a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination
6 Matt Bevin for standing up for Kim Davis in Kentucky, and then winning the governorship in a stunning upset
7 Center for Medical Progress for exposing Planned Parenthood's real conduct with undercover videoed interviews
8 Lance Berkman one of the Greatest Conservative Sports Stars, he spoke out against the pro-homosexual Houston ordinance and helped defeat it by a landslide in a referendum
9 Mark Meadows filed the motion to oust RINO John Boehner from Speaker of the House, which led to Boehner's resignation

See also
