Brookings Institute

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The Brookings Institute "Quality, Independence, Impact" is a nonprofit, non-partisan think tank founded in 1916 and located in Washington D.C. Brookings mission is to promote, conduct and foster research “in the broad fields of economics, government administration and the political and social sciences.” Robert Brookings founded the Institute for Government Research, the Institute of Economics and a graduate school. In 1927, the three groups merged to form the Brookings Institute. The organization has been labeled centrist, liberal and conservative. President Warren G. Harding called the bureau, “the greatest reform in governmental practices since the beginning of the republic.” Their current president is Strobe Talbott, he was United States Deputy Secretary of State under President Bill Clinton. The Brookings Institute operates the Brookings Institutional Press, the Brookings-Tsinghua Center in Beijing and the Brookings-Doha Center in Qatar.


  • Strengthen American democracy
  • Foster the economic and social welfare, security and opportunity of all Americans
  • Secure a more open, safe, prosperous and cooperative international system.

Landmark Achievements

See also

External links