Evolutionary schizophrenia

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Evolutionary schizophrenia is expression reflecting the state of the mind marked by troubles to maintain the consistent train of thought with respect to topics pertaining to evolutionism. In their rebellion against God conveyed, for example, via expressions like “we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door”, evolutionists believe they are in need i.a. to "accept scientific claims that are against common sense" and to "take constructs marked with patent absurdity".[1] For example, Charles Darwin stated in his 1859 1st edition of On origin of species that (emphasis conservapedia):

  • a far longer period than 300 million years has elapsed since the latter part of the Secondary period” and that there is a “clear evidence of the existence of whales ... before the close of the secondary period”[2]

while Darwin’s bulldog T. H. Huxley, obviously and schizophrenically in direct contradiction with Darwin, claimed that

  • limitation of the period during which living beings have inhabited this planet to one, two, or three hundred million years, may be admitted[3]

According to Law of noncontradiction and Galileo's maxim, "two truths can never contradict each other". That's why, from logical perspective, since evolutionsits Darwin and Huxley contradict each other in their statements:

  • A.) living beings have inhabited this planet >300 million years (a far longer period than that)
  • B.) living beings have inhabited this planet ≤300 million years (that could be admitted as upper limitation)

we can safely conclude that they are mutually inconsistent, and their declarations "we now positively know" or "now we may read ... clear evidence of the existence" "of whole groups of beings" in assured periods are absurd and can be justifiably regarded as outright fraud and bogus claims. The similar case of "false testimony" was reported in the Bible with narrative "Yet even then their testimony did not agree" (Mark 14:59) and authors of such contradicting statements wrt. each other where labeled as "false witnesses" (Mt. 26:60). G.K. Chesterton maintains that the first effect of not believing in God is that person is losing the common sense.[4] This can then take effect in phenomena like one described by Ryan Dobson as ‘trouble’: "When you start disagreeing with yourself, you're in trouble."[5] The trouble maintaining a train of thought in logical and coherent manner is regarded by medical science as symptom and characteristic of schizophrenia.[6]

É.L. Cammaerts ads that such person also starts believing in anything,[7] what, when being paired with Anti-Christian sentiment (‘Anything goes’ except what appears to be in accordance with Biblical message), is one of the basic traits of Moral relativism. According to Nazi Resister Wilhelm Busch, some phenomena in the world are totally impossible to be understood if we have not accepted the fact that behind the scenes are the Devil and the powers of darkness.[8] In his view, it is exactly Devil who makes people ungodly, conceited, and foolish.[9] On a similar occasion, the Bible commented such self-contradicting positions as we see in evolutionary schizophrenia with following words:

Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools[10]


  1. See notes and references in: Horror of a Divine Foot
  2. Charles Darwin (1859). On the Origin of Species. Or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life., 1st, The project Gutemberg (contemporary). Retrieved on 26 Apr 2016. “So that in all probability a far longer period than 300 million years has elapsed since the latter part of the Secondary period. ... But now we may read in the Supplement to Lyell's 'Manual,' published in 1858, clear evidence of the existence of whales in the upper greensand, some time before the close of the secondary period. ... from all these circumstances, I inferred that had sessile cirripedes existed during the secondary periods, they would certainly have been preserved and discovered; and as not one species had been discovered in beds of this age, I concluded that this great group had been suddenly developed at the commencement of the tertiary series. ... Hence we now positively know that sessile cirripedes existed during the secondary period; and these cirripedes might have been the progenitors of our many tertiary and existing species. ... In some cases, however, the extermination of whole groups of beings, as of ammonites towards the close of the secondary period, has been wonderfully sudden.” 
  3. W. Thomson (Lord Kelvin) (1869). On Geological Dynamics. Transactions of the Geological Society of Glasgow. Retrieved on May 17, 2015. “...on the l9th February 1869, Professor Huxley ventured before the Geological Society of London to suggest that limitation of the period during which living beings have inhabited this planet to one, two, or three hundred million years, may be admitted, without a complete revolution in geological speculation.”
  4. See notes and references in: Singularity and First cause
  5. Ryan Dobson, Jefferson Scott (2007). Be Intolerant in Love: Because Some Things Are Just Stupid. Sisters, OR, USA: Tyndale House Publishers, 121. ISBN 978-1590-521526. “You can't recognize that you hold conflicting opinions about something and hang on to both of them for very long. When you start disagreeing with yourself, you're in trouble.” 
  6. Schizophrenia: Symptoms, Types, Causes, and Early Warning Signs. helpguide.org. Retrieved on 13 June 2015. “Fragmented thinking is characteristic of schizophrenia. Externally, it can be observed in the way a person speaks. People with schizophrenia tend to have trouble concentrating and maintaining a train of thought. They may respond to queries with an unrelated answer, start sentences with one topic and end somewhere completely different, speak incoherently, or say illogical things.”
  7. See notes in: Singularity
  8. Wilhelm Busch (2001). Jesus our destiny. Brunen Publishing, 35, 209. ISBN 0-86347-024-6. “It is totally impossible to understand the present state of the world if we have not accepted the fact that behind the scenes are the Devil and the powers of darkness.” 
  9. Wilhelm Busch (2000). Spoveď pri Verdune (in Slovak). ViViT [for EVS.sk], 66. ISBN 80-88903-10-6. “A keď som sa s nimi lúčil, predsa im troche svitalo, že diabol robí ľudí bezbožných, namyslených a – hlúpych.” 
  10. Romans 1:22 Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®

See also