Last modified on December 11, 2019, at 22:12

Nimrodian aspirations

Nimrodian aspirations is the term used to denote an endeavor of materialistic philosophies to unite all society, nations, and/or humankind under one universal power in order to rebel against God and escape His just judgements. Nimrodian aspirations are characterized by efforts for unification, formalism, and regimental restriction and sacrificing of personal freedom of individuals in the name of common public interest and welfare. Nimrodian aspirations take place in the societies governed by partisans of totalitarian ideologies. They were discernable in the Nazi Germany where in the interest of future and unity of the so-called Third Reich state authorities deprived individuals of their fundamental rights and were trampling even on the most sacred human values.[1]

Historical background

According to biblical book of Genesis (Gen. 10:8-10), Nimrod was the great grandson of Noah and “a mighty warrior on the earth,” “a mighty hunter before the LORD.” Among the first centers of his kingdom was Babylon, a city that later became a symbol of power rebellious against God. Therein, the descendants of the Great Flood survivors according to account in Genesis 11, decided to start building the Tower of Babel, "whose top may reach unto heaven."

The Symbolic Significance

Building the Tower of Babel had also a deeper meaning: Man living in a state of estrangement from God feels anxious and insecure, and looks for security. By means of erecting huge tower he aims to secure his future, escape and prevent God’s judgement, and accomplish his own fame (cf. “so that we may make a name for ourselves”). Because he fell off from his natural place in God’s presence and emancipated himself from God, he strives for some replacement, the new focus of his attention. And Babylonian managed to find it: It is the man himself. Symbolically, people of Babylonia get trapped by self-adoration, self-deification and idolatrous worship of creation instead of Creator. Egocentric “Babylonians” attempt to save themselves by own effort and to ensure their future with regard to their enemies by their own power, that’s why they constantly have to rely on their own weaponry and are condemned to engage in permanent arms race. In the last resort, their ultimate goal is the denial of God, getting rid of Him including His values and guidelines for created order, and the proclamation of self-sovereignty based on new set of values incompatible with creation thus necessarily leading over and over to catastrophic failures. In the history of humankind, the “Tower of Babel,” symbolically representing the utopian efforts to establish a permanent society without God, has never been completed.

The basic characteristics of Nimrodian aspirations

• Confusion • Self-centeredness: self-adoration, self-obsession, self-deification • Far-fetched unification • Arms drive • Mistrust towards the allies • Subject to principle in which one predator (totalitarian ruler, interest group or society) is to be knocked down by another

Active rebellion against biblical God

The biblical God is a chief rival of modern-day nimrodians. Christian belief, by subjecting all men to divine authority and by asserting in the words "My Kingdom is not of this world" that the ideal society does not exist in this life, is the most coherent and potent obstacle to secular utopianism. The Bible angers and frustrates those who believe that the pursuit of a perfect society justifies the quest for absolute power. The safeguards against the worship of human power, and the ultimate defence against the utopian's belief that ends justify means and that morality is relative, are the concepts of sin, of authority, of conscience, of eternal life and divine justice under an unalterable law. The alliance between political utopianism and the new cult of the unrestrained self, unleashed into the Western world by Freud and Reich, Kinsey and Marcuse, is promoted by the self-pitying anthems of rock music and encouraged by the enormous power of 'progressive' education in which so many social, sexual, and cultural revolutionaries work.[2]

Nimrodian Consequences

The sheer ruthlessness of post-Christian social idealism arises from the very same concept of freedom that we are at liberty to make ourselves, without divine standard to which the uses of freedom are bound, what we wish to be. The ambition to refashion humanity in its very essence — social, political, economic, moral, psychological — was inconceivable when human beings were regarded as creatures of God. But with disappearance of God's authority, it becomes possible to will a human future conformed to whatever ideals we choose to embrace. All the grand utopian projects of the modern age that have directly or indirectly spilled oceans of human blood — the savagery of triumphant Jacobinism, the clinical heartlessness of socialist eugenics, the Nazi movement, Stalinism — were results of nimrodian "Enlightenment" myth of liberation leading also to the vulgarity of late capitalist consumerism and the pettiness of bourgeois individualism. The most pitilessly and self-righteously violent regimes of modern history have been those that have most explicitly cast off the Christian vision of reality and sought to replace it with a more "human" set of values.[3]

See also


  1. Jozef Ondrej Markuš (2001). Prorok Daniel (in Slovak). Matica slovenská, 39–48. ISBN 80-7090-600-6. 
  2. Peter Hitchens (2010). "9.", The Rage Against God., 98–9. ISBN 978-1441-10572-1. 
  3. David Bentley Hart (2009). Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution and Its Fashionable Enemies, 107. ISBN 978-0-300-16429-9.