Last modified on September 16, 2023, at 15:55

Science denialism

Science deniers often give weak rationalizations for their irrational statements and/or behaviors.

For example, a cancer researcher who is addicted to cigarettes may say such things as "I can quit anytime I want to."

Science denialism happens when people argue that established scientific laws/theories are wrong based on their subjective ideology or subjective personal beliefs and preferences.

Science denialism can also be seen through a person's irrational/hypocritical behavior where they know their behavior is harmful to themselves or others and that the scientific evidence indicates this, yet they engage in such behavior. For example, a cancer researcher who smokes or an obese/overweight medical doctor with unhealthy eating habits.

Science deniers often give weak rationalizations for their irrational statements and/or behaviors. For example, a cancer researcher who is addicted to cigarettes may say such things as "I can quit anytime I want to."

Examples of science denialism

RationalWiki is a politically left-leaning website that skews towards atheism/agnosticism in terms of its worldview. RationalWiki's main page purports that the purpose of the website is "Analyzing and refuting pseudoscience and the anti-science movement" and "Documenting the full range of crank ideas".[1]

See also


  1. RationalWiki main page
  2. : A Troll’s Pseudoscience Project?
  3. RationalMedia Foundation - List of Board Members
  4. Latest revision as of 19:54, 8 May 2023 (edit) (undo) Ace McWicked (talk | contribs)(→‎Wait what)