Richard Dawkins and YouTube

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Below are some YouTube videos relating to the new atheists Richard Dawkins.

  • [Is Richard Dawkins really stumped? The truth - in his own words - YES...he is!]

YouTube video of Richard Dawkins Being Stumped

Richard Dawkins stumped
The video From a Frog to a Prince, produced by Creation Ministries International, features Richard Dawkins being stumped by the question of a creationist.[1] The interviewer asked Dawkins for an example of genetic information arising from a mutation.[1] Recently, a creationist produced an excellent YouTube video demonstrating the Richard Dawkins still has not answered the question posed to him by the interviewer and he uses Richard Dawkins own words to demonstrate this fact.[2]

See also: Richard Dawkins and Creation Ministries International and Richard Dawkins' public refusal to debate creationists and Instances of Richard Dawkins ducking debates

In 2008, a video clip featuring Richard Dawkins became widely available to the public, showing Dawkins [3] being stumped by a question from the creationist interviewer. A shortened version has been translated into 10 languages. The clip was part of an interview included in the video and DVD From a Frog to Prince, produced by Creation Ministries International about the genetic information required by evolution, and the interviewer is asking Dawkins for an example of genetic information arising from a mutation.

In later interviews, Dawkins claims that he was not stumped, but instead shocked when he realized that the interviewer was a creationist, and the video was edited in a way to make him look like he was unable to answer the question.[4] However, the question came after he had that realization, and after the creationists negotiated with Dawkins and he agreed to continue.[5] However, despite being given a free reign in a sceptic publication to respond, he still didn't provide any examples. Recently, a creationist produced an excellent YouTube video demonstrating the Richard Dawkins still has not answered the question posed to him by the interviewer and he uses Richard Dawkins own words to demonstrate this fact.[2] The video can be found at YouTube and is entitled Is Richard Dawkins Really Stumped? The Truth - In His Own Words - YES...he is!

As noted earlier, Dr. Don Batten of Creation Ministries International theorizes that Richard Dawkins is a God hater and not a skeptic.[6] The video in which Richard Dawkins clearly squirms when asked for an example of genetic information arising from a mutation and dodges the question with an unrelated monologue, certainly gives some credence to Dr. Batten's postulate. Richard Dawkins inept response relating to the existence of God during his interview with Ben Stein further bolsters the view that Richard Dawkins is more motivated by hatred towards God than any inward assurance Dawkins has concerning the validity of his skeptical contentions.VIDEO There is certainly historical precedence for evolutionists/atheists having inward doubts about the validity of evolution and atheism. The evolutionist Charles Darwin wrote in a private notebook that he was a materialist (a type of atheist).[7] Late in Charles Darwin's life, Darwin told the Duke of Argyll that he frequently had overwhelming thoughts that the natural world was the result of design.[8]

Richard Dawkins has been inconsistent concerning his supposed refusal to debate creationists and his refusal is merely a ruse to avoid losing debates to creation scientists. Generally speaking, creation scientists tend to win the creation vs. evolution debates.
