Atheism website resources
From Conservapedia
Below are some website resources on atheism:
General articles and resources concerning atheism:
- Atheism
- Rebuttals to atheist arguments
- Atheism by Creation Ministries International
- Atheism by Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
- 10 problems for atheists
- Resources for leaving atheism and becoming a Christian
Christendom prevailing against atheism:
Videos on atheism:
Unreasonableness of Atheism:
- Conversation with an atheist by Probe Ministries
- Why the Burden of Proof is on the Atheist by Professor Ralph McInerny
- Theism, Atheism, and Rationality by Alvin Plantinga
- Essay: Is Richard Dawkins an intellectually fulfilled atheist?
- Atheism is dead (website)
- True Free Thinker.
- Fixed Point Foundation
Various Issues concerning atheism:
- Responses to Atheist Philosopher, Michael Martin Reformed theologians
- Outrageous Reasoning, A Closer Look at a Common Skeptical Tactic by JP Holding
- Is Yahweh a Moral Monster? The New Atheists and Old Testament Ethics by Paul Copan
Atheism and uncharitableness:
Atheism, history and related issues
- Christian legal apologetics
- Bible prophecy
- Biblical archaeology
- Atheism, not religion, is the real force behind the mass murders of history by Dinesh D'Souza
- Forced Secularization in Soviet Russia: Why an Atheistic Monopoly Failed
- Atheism Remix By Albert Mohler Jr. - Chapter 1: The New Atheism and the Endgame of Secularism
- The Enlightenment and Belief in God by Probe Ministries
Atheism and Science:
- Creation Ministries International
- Evolution
- Institute for Creation Research
- The Unraveling of Scientific Materialism by Phillip E. Johnson
- The Origin of Life and the Death of Materialism by Stephen Meyer
- Creation science
Decline of Atheism:
- The Twilight of Atheism by Alister McGrath, Christianity Today, March 2005
- The rise and fall of atheism by Fred Hutchison
- Twilight of the godless by Alister McGrath (Oxford Professor)
Christian outreach to atheists on YouTube:
Please see the satire: Atheist restaurant
photo obtained from Flickr, see: Creative commons license agreement) ]]
- Every atheist/skeptic must watch this!
- Ex-Atheist conquers Atheist Experience show exposing the madness of atheism
- Shockofgod calls into Atheist Radio show - Hilarious! Part 1
- Shockofgod calls into Atheist Radio show - Hilarious! Part 2
- Atheist runs from question on live radio and hangs up
- Atheists emailing me saying they've left atheism for Jesus Christ
Atheism and Some Recent Events
- The Folly of Atheism by Rev. Maurice Roberts
- A suicidal atheist converts to Christ
- Children who front Richard Dawkins' atheist ads are evangelicals
- Melbourne Atheist: The Exterminator