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The 1882 Cincinnati Red Stockings.jpg

In baseball, a bunt is a legally batted ball, not swung at but intentionally met with the bat and tapped within the infield.


See also

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Baseball Terms
Hits BuntSingleDoubleTripleHome RunFair BallFoul BallGround Rule Double
Fouls Quick Return PitchBalkInfield Fly
Events Double HeaderForfeited GameInning
Achievements Baseball Hall of FameAll-Star GameWorld Series
Positions BatterPitcherCatcherDesignated hitterFielderInfielderOutfielderRunner
Equipment Baseball
Outs OutDouble PlayTriple PlayFielder's ChoiceFly BallForce PlayGround BallLine DriveStrikeout
Places on the Field AlleyBaseBatter's BoxDugoutFair TerritoryFoul TerritoryHome PlateInfieldOutfield
Pitches BallStrike
Achievable Events AssistRunTagPerfect game