User talk:Psircleback

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If you keep welcoming yourself, you'll go blind. RobSFree Kyle! 16:34, July 27, 2021 (EDT)

Hell, is that what's happening, @RobS? Dang! I thought that was only with guys: don't I feel like a freaking idiot? -J Psircleback (talk) 16:37, July 28, 2021 (EDT) PS: I wrote my first 'Go' program today. Totally random choice: I came across a 'playground' (ie sandbox) and I remembered I hadn't tested my second prime series on Andy S's talk page so, an hour and some later, I had:-
// Print some early values of Nilakantha's series for Pi
// Tested at <> on July 28th 2021

package main

import "fmt"
import "math"

func f(x int) float64 {
  if (x <= 0) {} else {
    t:= f(x-1)
    y:= 2*x; y= y*y; y= y*(4*y - 5) + 1
    z:= float64(y); z= 6.0/z
    fmt.Println(t, y, z, -math.Ceil(math.Log10(z))) // Show my working
    return t+z
  return 3.0

func main() {
  fmt.Println("Hello, Jane Doe!  Here are some approximations of Pi:")

Recent progress

My Wednesdays are always really heavy, so I didn't get much done on CP today: t/m should be better. I want to keep expanding Equity for a start; other pages I'm hoping to improve soon(ish) include Hayek, Popper, Roger Scruton, and (maybe) Pi. -J

In the out-turn Thursday was better, just not in the way I expected. My old craptop crashed once too often so I finally got round to fixing the boot problem on the new(er) one. Betcha I spend Friday and half of Saturday frobbing, tuning, and tweaking the damned thing haha. Equity's just gonna have to wait its turn. -J Psircleback (talk) 11:38, July 29, 2021 (EDT)

Heck, is it Wednesday already? Busy, busy, busy! As of today Equity's looking longer and (I hope) better, though. I'll try to do more this weekend. -J Psircleback (talk) 15:05, August 4, 2021 (EDT)