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Far-left refers to the extreme position on the Left side of the political spectrum that is collectivist, intolerant, advocates big government through authoritarianism, fascism, totalitarianism, single party advocacy, and anti-democratic ideals. It is represented through movements such Progressivism, Marxism, and Democratic Socialism.

Far leftist groups often adopt names that are oxymoronic and contradictory, such as National Socialism, Antifascist, or Democratic Socialism.

Internecine warfare

The far left is noted for internecine war.[1] Due to its anti-democratic, technocratic and elitist ideals, competition within the far left to claim the mantle as the vanguard of the revolutionary elite leads them to label each other, and anyone who opposes their singular group, as "fascist" or "right wing."[2]

Sectarian disputes are common among far leftist groups. Usually the larger group will claim the label as preeminent among leftists; as competing groups go in search of moderates, because of their movement right-ward toward the center they are labeled Nazi, fascist, and racist by the dominant far left group. This has the chilling effect of driving members out of the competing group, and a dampening effect on new recruits. The hope is to enlarge the base of the dominant group.[3]

This is not to say they are incapable of forging coalitions, which they often do, sometimes among disparate groups with absurd sounding names - Environmentalists Against the War, or Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (A.N.S.W.E.R.}. ANSWER is one of the most dangerous and despicable racist organizations in the United States, known for its violent and anarchist elements.[4]

Forming these groups, and forging these alliances, is what the job of an "organizer" is.


Far leftists oppose free speech, gun rights, freedom of religion, fair elections and sovereignty. Fundamentally, they oppose democracy and human rights.

While far left language and rhetoric is deceptively couched in terms such as "democracy," "human rights," "equality," etc., using Marxist dialectics, words, ideas, historical eras, philosophical concepts, and broad world views are twisted to mean whatever they want them to mean, to serve the immediate purpose of the self-appointed elites - which is to obtain power for themselves and destroy their enemies, both real and imagined.

Far leftists tend to think of themselves as "intellectual" and "enlightened," and above the fray of ordinary political discussion, negotiation, and compromise. They approach their non-democratic task to "save humanity" from itself by promoting themselves as technocrats, bureaucrats, organizers, agitators, activists and elites with missionary zeal.


Envy is perhaps the driving motivation behind far left ideology, envy of persons or instituions which have obtained social status and political power by merit or inheritance. They posess a desire for other people's wealth coupled with a lust for power. Far leftists consider the only thing resembling justice on this Earth is having themselves in power, not through fair elections, but by deception or violence.

Democracy and popular consensus is not part of far left ideology. Among Democratic Socialists, for example, the core value is said to be, to develop a consensus among themselves how to govern society. However this principle is subject to change with the next historical whim or crisis.

Immanent critique and political correctness

Through the use of immanent, the more intellectual far leftists target opponents. Immanent critique is defined as
" a method of discussing culture which aims to locate contradictions in society's rules and systems."

See also
