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==See also==
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*[[Goebbels' maxim]]
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*[[Nimrodian aspirations]]

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Göring's syndrome occurs when a person believes, purely based on personal interests or preferences, to have the rights and usurps them to decide whether a certain criterion is met without any attempt for objective evaluation and/or in spite of contrary evidence.

Historical background

The definition of Göring's syndrome is based on claim attributed to German Luftwaffe chief Hermann Göring who, being criticized by Nazi comrades for shielding a Jew when Anti-Jewish legislative was in force, quoted Karl Lueger, the anti-Semitic mayor of Vienna at the turn of the 19th century:[1]
“I decide who is a Jew and who is not” (In German: "Wer Jude ist, bestimme ich").
Although some sources regard this story for anecdotal, author and journalist F. Sanello maintains that this took place after the Gestapo looked into allegations that father of Göring's friend and protégé Erhard Milch, Luftwaffe Field Marshal, was Jewish.[2] Göring suppressed the investigation and forged a document attesting Milch’s Aryan purity.[3]

Göring's syndrome Today

LGBTI Ideology

Nowadays adherents of LGBT ideology often declare when facing cases of individuals abandoning the homosexual lifestyle that these individuals were not 'true' homosexuals but rather bisexuals or mistaken heterosexuals. This approach of subjective selection and categorization who is a homosexual and who is not, suiting one's agenda, testifies how shallow, unobjective and flexible the criterion for classifying a person into alleged heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual or possibly "paedophile sexual orientation" is. Intriguingly, the very same adherents of LGBT ideology tend to assert that homosexuals and pedophiles "do not change their sexual orientation"[4] while at the same time they try to establish the very existence of homosexuality as biologically determined phenomenon by declaring that non-homosexuals would have hard time even just to imagine the sexual relation with the person of the same sex.

Leftist Liberalism

The common trait of leftist liberalism with fascism and communism is not only their endavour for stronger authoritarian state, which is supposed to make citizens “happy,” but also their moral relativism and moral voluntarism: What is right is not given objectively, but a human determines it by one’s own will. In fascism it is to be determined by Duce, in nazism by Führer, in communism by Politburo and in leftist liberalism by person himself/herself. None of them recognizes the natural right for life[note 1]; the difference between fascists and leftist liberals consists in question who will gratuitously sent whom for death. [5]


  1. cf. Bonhoeffer on Abortion

See also


  1. Adolf Wimmer (2000). Strangers at Home and Abroad: Recollections of Austrian Jews Who Escaped Hitler. McFarland, 6. ISBN 9780786406685. 
  2. Frank Sanello. Nazi Germany's Jewish General. The Red Room Writers Society. Retrieved on June 21, 2013.
  3. Richard W. Sonnenfeldt (2006). Witness to Nuremberg. Arcade Publishing, 28. ISBN 9781559708166. 
  4. 40th Parliament, 3rd Session, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights. Parliament of Canada (February 14, 2011). Retrieved on June 21, 2013. “Mr. Marc Lemay: Should [the pedophilia] therefore be compared to homosexuality? Dr. Hubert Van Gijseghem: Yes, or heterosexuality. If, for instance, you were living in a society where heterosexuality is proscribed or prohibited and you were told that you had to get therapy to change your sexual orientation, you would probably say that that is slightly crazy. In other words, you would not accept that at all. I use this analogy to say that, yes indeed, pedophiles do not change their sexual orientation.”
  5. Roman Joch (October 6, 2013). Ľavicovo-liberálny fašizmus (Leftist Liberal Fascism) (Slovak). .týždeň. Retrieved on September 14, 2014. “To je ďalší spoločný rys ľavicového liberalizmu s fašizmom (a komunizmom) – nielen ich snaha o silnejší štát, ktorý má ľudí činiť „šťastnými,“ ale aj ich hodnotový relativizmus a morálny voluntarizmus: to, čo je správne, nie je objektívne dané, ale človek si to určí vôľou. Vo fašizme to určí Duce, v nacizme Führer, v komunizme politbyro a v ľavicovom liberalizme človek sám. Ani jeden z nich neuznáva prirodzené právo na život; u každého z nich o tom, kto bude zabitý, rozhodne niečia vôľa. Rozdiel medzi fašistami a ľavicovými liberálmi je v tom, kto a koho svojvoľne pošle na smrť.”