II Kings

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The book of II Kings is the continuation of I Kings. Like its predecessor, it is a historical time line showing how the kings of Israel and Judah obeyed or disobeyed God and is part of the Old Testament of the Bible. It starts with King Ahaziah and continues until the last king of Judah and the start of the Babylonian exile in 586 B.C. This book was approximately written during the time of the Babylonian Exile of the Jews, somewhere between 560 and 550 B.C. (In the Hebrew Bible used by Judaism, there is only one book called "Kings".) The author of this book is uncertain, but many Jewish traditions believe Jeremiah to be the author.[1] [2]


  1. http://www.biblecentre.org/commentaries/ar_11_ot_overview_12kings.htm
  2. The NIV Study Bible, Zondervan Corporation, 1985