Barbizon School

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The Barbizon School was a group of French landscape painters active from the 1830s to 1870s. They were named after the village of Barbizon (near Fontainebleau Forest, France) where they worked to produce their art painting nature directly. The Barbizon School made a significant contribution to the establishment of Realism and prepared the subsequent development of the Impressionist Schools. Members of this group were Camille Corot, Charles-François Daubigny, Jean-François Millet, Narcisse Virgilio Díaz de la Peña, Jules Dupré and their leader Theodore Rousseau. They followed John Constable, who pioneered in making landscape painting a faithful depiction of nature, as their model.

In the 1850s, Daubigny constructed a floating studio on a small boat which he sailed along the Seine and Oise rivers in order to capture unrivaled views of their banks. [1]

Theodore Rousseau Soleil couchant.JPG

Theodore Rousseau, Soleil couchant.

Jules Dupré, Coucher du Soleil.
Rousseau Maison-atelier a Barbizon.jpg

Theodore Rousseau, Maison-atelier a Barbizon.

William Morris Hunt (1824 – 1879), an American painter trained with Jean-François Millet, started the American Barbizon School in Boston.

William Morris Hunt, Niagara Falls, 1878.

See also

Jules Dupré, Paysage Marin, 1870.

External links