Richard Carrier

Richard Carrier (born 1969), M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. History, is an advocate of metaphysical naturalism. He has written a book, Sense and Goodness without God (see also: Good without God). He is a prominent atheist in the atheist community in the US.
Carrier advocates the notion that Jesus likely never existed which is an extreme minority position among historians and contrary to the historical evidence pointing to Jesus being a historical figure (The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, a parcel of the propaganda of the atheistic, communist Soviet Union, is the only encyclopedia to ever advocate the Christ myth. See also: Historicity of Jesus).[2][3][4]
After Richard Carrier completed his PhD in ancient history at Columbia University in 2008, he decided against attempting to find an academic post and is now a blogger. According to Carrier, "The US economy had just collapsed, and humanities departments had put a freeze on hires,” he explains. “I had also soured on the life of a professor by then, having seen it from the inside.”[5]
Carrier is a veteran of the United States Coast Guard.[6]
- 1 Richard Carrier, adultery, divorce and polyamory
- 2 Richard Carrier on atheist events and sexual activity
- 3 Richard Carrier's defamation lawsuits against Freethought Blogs, The Orbit and Skepticon conference relating to sexual harrassment allegations
- 4 Interest in Richard Carrier is significantly down
- 5 Richard Carrier and the the Atheism plus movement
- 6 Richard Carrier and Antony Flew's Conversion to theism/deism
- 7 Richard Carrier on Scotch and drinking heavily
- 8 Education
- 9 External links
- 10 References
Richard Carrier, adultery, divorce and polyamory
See also: Richard Carrier, adultery, divorce and polyamory and Prominent atheists and adultery and Atheism, polyamory and other immoral relationships
The atheist Richard Carrier divorced his wife and now practices polyamory.[7] Before divorcing his wife, he was involved in adulterous affairs.[8]
The Christian apologist Jason Engwar at the Christian blog Triablogue wrote:
“ | Richard Carrier has a post up announcing that he's "polyamorous", which he calls his "sexual orientation". He's been adulterous in his relationship with his wife after cheating on her, and they decided to get a divorce after having tried polyamory for a while. In the thread, he refers to how he has "sympathy for people who cheat on their spouses", how he's come across "many" polyamorists, and how he's become more convinced that "monogamy is the actual problem". So far, most of the responses at his blog are positive.[9] | ” |
See also:
Ricard Carrier, Amanda Metskas and polyamory
Camp Quest is the first residential summer camp in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Norway designed specifically for the children of atheists/agnostics/secular humanists and others who hold a naturalistic worldview.
Richard Carrier reported in 2016 that Amanda Metskas, the national Executive Director of Camp Quest, are dating and "she and her husband, August Brunsman, are publicly polyamorous."[10][11]
August Brunsman, her polyamorous husband, is the Executive Director of the Secular Student Alliance. Carrier was a speaker for the Secular Student Alliance when he was accused of sexual harassment.[12][13]
Richard Carrier on atheist events and sexual activity
Richard Carrier wrote in a blog post entitled Our Mythical Campaign against Sex:
“ | Polyamory and swinging and even the attending of orgies requires more ethical behavior and more careful attention to boundaries and consent than traditional sexual relationships do. And people who are ethical enough to be accepted in those communities are the very people who get Atheism+ and why it is needed.
The bottom line is, we are already enthusiastically in favor of people pursuing all kinds of sexual activities, even at atheist events. Many of our most avid supports are wholeheartedly doing this. The only thing we are concerned about is that people do this ethically, that people don’t use their sex drives as an excuse to harass, harm, or cross boundaries.[14] |
” |
Richard Carrier's defamation lawsuits against Freethought Blogs, The Orbit and Skepticon conference relating to sexual harrassment allegations
See also: Richard Carrier's defamation lawsuits against Freethought Blogs, The Orbit and Skepticon conference
In 2018, the atheist Hemant Mehta wrote about the defamation lawsuits related to sexual harassment allegations against Richard Carrier:
“ | The lawsuit began in September of 2016, when Dr. Richard Carrier..., the author of several books about ancient philosophy, religion, and science, sued individual atheists, Freethought Blogs and The Orbit (atheist blog networks), and the Skepticon conference on charges of defamation, interference with his business, and emotional distress. Those charges stemmed from posts made about his alleged sexual harassment, an accusation he repeatedly denied.[15] | ” |
Freethought Blogs was founded by atheists Ed Brayton and PZ Myers.[16][17]
Mehta also wrote: "In all three lawsuits, Carrier is asking the Court for damages worth $1.3 million — that’s nearly $4 million in total — in addition to legal costs, interest, and anything else the Courts deem fit. He’s also filing all three lawsuits on his own — without the help of a lawyer (at least one who’s listed in the complaints)."[18]
The defamation lawsuit that Richard Carrier launched against his fellow atheists cost them $250,000 in legal fees in terms of their legal defense.[19]
Richard Carrier withdrew his lawsuits against fellow atheists after being countersued
The atheist Adam Lee wrote:
“ | ...a Missouri court, the first of the three to hear his new case, promptly threw it out...
Before the other two courts got around to ruling on the statute-of-limitations argument, the defendants filed a countersuit in Arizona, and when the costs to defend himself started to pile up, Carrier panicked. (Apparently, defending yourself against a lawsuit is really expensive! Who could’ve known?) Shortly thereafter, he gave in and agreed to dismiss all his lawsuits with prejudice, meaning he can never refile them.[20] |
” |
The aforementioned parties Carrier sued agreed to drop their countersuits when Carrier agreed to drop his remaining lawsuits.[21] See also: Atheist lawsuits
Atheist Stephanie Zvan on Richard Carrier dropping his lawsuit which involved her
Atheist Stephanie Zvan on Richard Carrier dropping his lawsuit which involved her:
“ | By now, you may know that Richard Carrier dropped his remaining SLAPP suits in November. If you read the settlement agreement, you’ll see he even explicitly said we are free to talk about the allegations and the suit without incurring more legal hassle from him. So we’re going to do that.
Save the date for the evening of February 23. We’ve rested, we’ve let the news sink in, and we’re ready to talk. We’ll bring you more news soon as we work out technical details for live streaming and confirm special guests. In the meantime, however, just know that our lips are legally unsealed. We can talk. We will talk.[22] |
” |

Specifically, Myers wrote: "That, by the way, is the USS Oriskany being sunk to form an artificial reef for sea life. The sinking of Richard Carrier will not be so useful."[23] See: Richard Carrier's lawsuits
Atheist PZ Myers on the Richard Carrier withdrawing his lawsuits
The atheist PZ Myers wrote about Richard Carrier dropping his lawsuit and Stephanie Zvan indicating they are going to publicly talk about the sexual allegations against Richard Carrier along with his lawsuits and other matters:
“ | Good news, everybody! The Richard Carrier lawsuit is kaput. He finally, after 3 years of this nonsense, approached our lawyer and begged for mercy: he agreed to walk away from the lawsuit with prejudice if we agreed to do likewise and promise not to hurt him anymore. This is a comprehensive surrender, agreeing to quit harassing me, Amy Frank, Lauren Lane, Stephanie Zvan, Skepticon, The Orbit, and Freethoughtblogs...[24] | ” |
Myers also wrote:
“ | Oh, this is going to be fun. Mark your calendar and keep the evening of Sunday 23 February open, because we’re doing a grand celebratory hangout, since we’re finally out from under that ridiculous law suit by Richard Carrier.
...We are angry at the unjust and self-servingly stupid behavior by Richard Carrier, and we plan to vent. We have unfair debts imposed on us, and oh boy, are we ready to flame that jerk.[25] |
” |
After Richard Carrier withdrew his lawsuits related to the sexual allegations against him, PZ Myers likened his future to a sinking ship. Specifically, Myers wrote: "That, by the way, is the USS Oriskany being sunk to form an artificial reef for sea life. The sinking of Richard Carrier will not be so useful."[26]
Interest in Richard Carrier is significantly down
Richard Carrier and the the Atheism plus movement
See also: Atheism plus and Atheist feminism and Atheism and women
Atheism plus was a type of atheism which held to a progressive political agenda. It encouraged progressive atheists to also focus on issues beyond atheism - including the issues of social justice, feminism, anti-racism, LGBTQ issues and skepticism.

Richard Carrier at the launch of the Atheism plus movement wrote: "I am fully on board. I will provide any intellectual artillery they need to expand this cause and make it successful."[27]
In October 2014, the popular YouTube atheist Thunderf00t commented on how Jen McCreight, the founder of the atheist feminist movement Atheism plus abandoned her movement within two weeks. Thunderfoot also commented on how Richard Carrier "the intellectual artillery" of the movement, quit promoting the movement within a month.[28]
Damion Reinhardt wrote about Carrier and Atheism plus movement:
“ | About the only thing he did spectacularly wrong (from an atheist movement perspective) was turning Atheism Plus into an “us vs. them” festival of denunciation and excommunication, but that was arguably bound to happen. Possibly he should be credited with speeding up the inevitable collapse.[29] | ” |
Richard Carrier and Antony Flew's Conversion to theism/deism
Athanatos Christian Ministries wrote concerning the book A Defense of the Integrity of Antony Flew's "There is a God" From His Own Letters by Anthony Horvath:
“ | Famed atheist Antony Flew stunned the world with his repudiation of atheism in favor of deism about 2004 but the reasons for his change were unclear. Finally, in 2007, Flew released his book There Is a God: How the World’s Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind in an attempt to set the record straight.” It was immediately challenged by hostile atheists on a number of grounds, not all of them very charitable. One of the challenges was put forth most prominently by PZ Myers and Richard Carrier: Flew had lost his mind; the arguments weren’t his at all, but rather were the product of manipulating Christian apologists.
There is just one teensy-weensy problem with this line of attack. In 2006, before it was even known to the world that Antony Flew would be releasing a book, a Christian apologist and author by the name of Anthony Horvath (Athanatos Christian Ministries) was in correspondence with Dr. Flew. Horvath wrote Flew specifically to ask him to commit his current positions and arguments to written form because even then there was much speculation. The answer was that the book was already in the works! The correspondence was brief but turns out to be decisive against those claiming that “There is a God” did not reflect Flew’s actual positions. In this e-book, Horvath releases copies of the original letters along with his lengthy rebuttal to Richard Carrier’s assertions. To date, though Carrier has been made aware of that rebuttal, no answer has been received. And no wonder: these letters settle the matter once and for all. For those interested in the best evidence and primary sources in coming to their conclusions, these letters by Flew will be instrumental.[30] |
” |
Richard Carrier on Scotch and drinking heavily
See: Richard Carrier on Scotch and drinking heavily
Carrier has a B.A. in History, with a minor in Classical Civilization, from the University of California at Berkeley (1997), an M.A. in Ancient History from Columbia University (1998), an M.Phil. in Ancient History, from Columbia University (2000), and a Ph.D. in Ancient History from Columbia University (2008).[31]
External links

- Jesus Did Exist: A Response to Richard Carrier
- Richard Carrier Interview
- Richard Carrier's "Why I Don't Buy the Resurrection Story" -- A Refutation by JP Holding
- Review of Carrier's book Good 'n' Senseless Without God
- Richard Carrier’s latest smears are poorly researched, insulting to women activists, and defamatory by Michael Nugent
- Richard Carrier vs. William Lane Craig debate, Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? 2009 - Part one
- Richard Carrier vs. William Lane Craig debate, Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? 2009 - Part two
Richard Carrier and polyamory:
- Polyamory Gone Wild
- Along Came Poly, Christian apologist Nick Peters on Richard Carrier's adulterous affairs, adultery and polyamory
- ↑ The New Atheism + by Richard Carrier
- ↑ A Response to "Why I Don't Buy the Resurrection Story" by JP Holding
- ↑ The Incredible Sinking Carrier or, The Impossible Faith Vindicated by JP Holding
- ↑ Scholarly opinions on the Jesus Myth by Christopher Price
- ↑ Researchers turn to crowdfunding for support outside universities
- ↑ Richard C. Carrier, Curriculum Vitae
- ↑ Coming Out Poly + A Change of Life Venue
- ↑ Coming Out Poly + A Change of Life Venue
- ↑ Atheism, Adultery, Polyamory, And Shifting Morals
- ↑ Polyamory and Camp Quest
- ↑ Richard Carrier quote
- ↑ Popularizer of social-justice atheism can’t believe he’s accused of sexually harassing students
- ↑ Polyamory and Camp Quest
- ↑ Our Mythical Campaign against Sex, Richard Carrier,
- ↑ Judge Dismisses Richard Carrier’s Defamation Lawsuit Against Atheist Bloggers BY HEMANT MEHTA
- ↑ About Freethoughtblog
- ↑ Five challenges for atheists and secularists in 2016 by Michael Nugent
- ↑ Dr. Richard Carrier Has (Again) Sued Several Atheists on Charges of Defamation BY HEMANT MEHTA
- ↑ Forever fringe by PZ Myers
- ↑ Richard Carrier Loses His Lawsuit (Again)
- ↑ We win by PZ Myers
- ↑ Carrier Victory Celebration by Stephanie Zvan
- ↑ Hey! If you’re still on Facebook… by PZ Myers
- ↑ We win! by PZ Myers
- ↑ Dishing out ALL the dirt by PZ Myers
- ↑ Hey! If you’re still on Facebook… by PZ Myers
- ↑ The New Atheism + by Richard Carrier
- ↑ Atheism+ Stream: How SJWs pushed their way into Atheism
- ↑ A Defense of the Integrity of Antony Flew's "There is a God" From His Own Letters by Anthony Horvath, Publisher: Athanatos Christian Ministries, September 3, 2011
- ↑, Brief Biography of Richard Carrier
- ↑