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[[File:Loser.png|thumbnail|right|350px|Learn how to spot a big, fat loser.
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And then cut the losers from your life now!]]
'''Questions:''' Can you spot a loser? Do you know the 15 surefire ways to spot a loser?
'''Questions:''' Can you spot a loser? Do you know the 15 surefire ways to spot a loser?

Revision as of 01:11, May 11, 2024

Learn how to spot a big, fat loser.

And then cut the losers from your life now!

Questions: Can you spot a loser? Do you know the 15 surefire ways to spot a loser?

Question: Are you loser? (If you can't spot a loser, you may be one!)

Please read the essay directly linked below or you might never become a winner!

Are you loser? Can you spot a loser? Remove the losers from your life now!

"Though the mills of God grind slowly; Yet they grind exceeding small; Though with patience He stands waiting, With exactness grinds He all." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Things that are built on evil deeds and lies wither away. They are as fragile as eggs and a house of cards.

Truth and good works have everlasting value.

Gossipy, gamma males with delusions of grandeur who have low social status and also have women laugh at them

See also: Toxic gamma males. Keep them out of your life and organizations

According to the article Social-Sexual Hierarchy Revisited:

About six years ago, Vox Day published his socio-sexual hierarchy.

Alpha – The top of the hierarchy. President Donald Trump is an Alpha. He’s confident, boisterous, and handsome...

Delta – The normal guy. Most men are Deltas...

Gamma – These men would be low-end Deltas if they did not think of themselves as being secretly Alpha. They are secret kings in their own mind and believe themselves to be worthy of admiration, which is often undeserved... They are also on the unattractive side in terms of looks but don’t seem to understand or accept this. Of all people in this hierarchy, the Gamma needs the most improvement but often times rejects criticism or even helpful advice, instead believing themselves to be gods among men. Very dangerous if given any kind of power.

Omega – The low-end of the tier. Omegas are usually unattractive, introverted, and unsuccessful with women.[1]

Gossip by Charles Haigh-Wood (1854–1927)

Like many high school girls, girly gamma males often gossip.[2]

Unlike alpha males, gamma males lack machismo. One of the definitions of machismo is an "exhilarating sense of power or strength."[3]

People often laugh at gamma men for being girly.[4]

Gamma men tend to be: narcissistic egotists with delusions of grandeur (Gamma males often rage when you inform them that you have no interest in their "very important opinions"); passive-aggressive or aggressive; reluctant to admit faults; hyper-sensitive to criticism; stubborn; resentful; insist that the world is unfair and that they are a victim; jealous; engage in drama and gossip; habitually deceptive with others and themselves; often reject authority; lacking in physical fitness; unattractive to women; often fail in establishing romantic relationships with women due to failing to misunderstanding women; like being subject matter experts; gamma men tend to be low status and they are also concerned with status; lacking leadership skills; insecure; individuals who begin the process of reaching their goals, but fail to do the work to complete their goals due to the extra work or due to fear of rejection; overly obsessive about a hobby and clueless about life.[5]

According to Day, gammas lack "self-confidence. This is a root cause in their very core and they try to cover up that existential hole in their soul with all manner of fakery. Be it money, status, recognition by the masses for their achievements (real or most often imagined or “manufactured”), it is never enough to really fill that essential lack of self-truth."[6] People often laugh at gamma men for being girly.[7] Although gamma males usually display passive aggressive behavior, sometimes they display alpha male type aggression.[8] The reason they prefer passive aggression over alpha male aggression is because the fear being seen as the "bad guy" due to their craving of being liked, admired and respected.[9][10] Gamma males who engage in relentless ankle-biting criticism of others hate it when the other parties don't care what they think.[11]

At the extreme end of the spectrum, gamma males are toxic con men/frauds, stalkers, and psychopaths. [12]

As noted above, gamma males often gossip. According to Insight Therapy gossipers gossip due to:

To feel superior. Many people who are insecure about themselves find temporary relief in judging others. Knowing something that others don't can feel empowering, and sometimes, that's all an uncertain gossiper needs. But, it can also make you appear untrustworthy.

They have a sadistic personality. Emotional sadism- someone who comes off as harsh, aggressive, intimidating, or demeaning is rooted in gossip. This type of character enjoys knowing that someone else is experiencing pain or misfortune, delighted that it's not happening to them.

They’re bored. When people can't generate exciting discussions based on knowledge or ideas, gossip can arouse people's interest.

Anxiety. Anxious people are more likely to spread rumors and partake in gossip, according to research. And since uncertainty or feeling out of control is significant in anxiety, gossiping can make someone get that sense of control back.[13]

Toxic people and higher divorce rates

See also: Toxic personality traits

Losers and their loss of friendships

User:Conservative's essays
